It’s about solving problems

As ever, there’s a touchstone issue on the programmers’ corner of the intarwebs (the programmers’ corner is actually the same intarwebs everyone else is using, just we model it with geometry so it can have a corner). Here it is:

Alan Kelly predicted that by 2022, TDD will become a prerequisite for employment as a programmer. Let’s leave aside for a moment the issue discussed here and in APPropriate Behaviour, that there is no arbiter of programmer employability.

Responses did not take long in coming. Some TDDers cannot believe that TDD is not already required. Some non-TDDers are incensed that non-TDD is not considered valid. I particularly like this tweet about TDD’s place:

I like to explain that a lot of [TDD is] just a substitute for a decent type system ;).

You know what? That might be true, I’m not sure. Functional programming education has, so far, been to me like a pure map of me onto a slightly older version of me without the side effect of imparting knowledge of functional programming. Bear in mind that I’ve been paid to write LISP in the past, and I struggle with FP. I just can’t get from knowing what functions are to big-picture views of functional programming.

I wouldn’t know the mathematics of a type system if it came up and quacked at me. As far as I know, Hindley is the name of a serial killer and now I’m looking warily at Milner. But I’m fine with that, and I’m fine with you not being fine with that. It’s just that we think about things in different ways.

Other people think about things in other different ways too. And I’m fine with that, too. Let’s look some more at tests.

Many forms of automated test follow a common pattern: Assemble, Act, Assert or Given, When, Then. Let’s talk about Eiffel, a language invented by the only person I know whose opinions have a stronger identity than the person who holds them.

An Eiffel programmer would look at Given and see that this is describing a particular state of the preconditions of the system under test. Or, using theories, a range of preconditions. And they would look at Then, and observe that this is making statements about the postconditions of the system under test.

This Eiffel programmer would probably then ask why you expect them to do all of this, when they already generalised this out in designing the system’s contract. Why write all these tests when the program itself can evaluate its own preconditions and postconditions as it’s chugging along, and you can design to those?

Just as this starts to sound reasonable, a Prolog programmer asks why you’d ever write the When bit at all. Surely you just tell the computer what you’ve got and what you want, and it works out how to get there? (I tried, and it said “NO.” Oh well.)

There are loads of different ways to write software. Many of these are not better nor worse than others. In fact, to even have that discussion you’d need to be able to express and agree upon what “better” means, and I’m not sure we’re there. Some are prevalent because they let people reason about their problems in a way that feels comfortable, or efficient. Others are prevalent because a vendor threw lots of money into marketing. Some of them feel comfortable or efficient because we’ve become used to thinking in those ways, rather than because they were a natural fit onto our ab initio thoughts.

But remember, your goal is not to write software. Your goal is to solve problems, and often software is part of the solution. The tools, practices and principles we have now may be adequate, but they may not be best. They might suit some of us, and not others.

That’s fine. I know how I like to work, and I’m happy to help other people find out about it and try it out. But I’m also happy to find out about and try out other things. I’ll champion what I do, while learning about what others do. And all along I’ll champion the higher-level goal of solving problems, and the professional standard of being able to demonstrate confidence in our solutions.

Maybe I should go and read about type systems now.

About Graham

I make it faster and easier for you to create high-quality code.
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