Contractually-obligated testing

About a billion years ago, Bertrand Meyer (he of Open-Closed Principle fame) introduced a programming language called Eiffel. It had a feature called Design by Contract, that let you define constraints that your program had to adhere to in execution. Like you can convince C compilers to emit checks for rules like integer underflow everywhere in your code, except you can write your own rules.

To see what that’s like, here’s a little Objective-C (I suppose I could use Eiffel, as Eiffel Studio is in homebrew, but I didn’t). Here’s my untested, un-contractual Objective-C Stack class.

@interface Stack : NSObject

- (void)push:(id)object;
- (id)pop;

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger count;


static const int kMaximumStackSize = 4;

@implementation Stack
    __strong id buffer[4];
    NSInteger _count;

- (void)push:(id)object
    buffer[_count++] = object;

- (id)pop
    id object = buffer[--_count];
    buffer[_count] = nil;
    return object;


Seems pretty legit. But I’ll write out the contract, the rules to which this class will adhere provided its users do too. Firstly, some invariants: the count will never go below 0 or above the maximum number of objects. Objective-C doesn’t actually have any syntax for this like Eiffel, so this looks just a little bit messy.

@interface Stack : ContractObject

- (void)push:(id)object;
- (id)pop;

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger count;


static const int kMaximumStackSize = 4;

@implementation Stack
    __strong id buffer[4];
    NSInteger _count;

- (NSDictionary *)contract
    NSPredicate *countBoundaries = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @"count BETWEEN %@",
                                    @[@0, @(kMaximumStackSize)]];
    NSMutableDictionary *contract = [@{@"invariant" : countBoundaries} mutableCopy];
    [contract addEntriesFromDictionary:[super contract]];
    return contract;

- (void)in_push:(id)object
    buffer[_count++] = object;

- (id)in_pop
    id object = buffer[--_count];
    buffer[_count] = nil;
    return object;


I said the count must never go outside of this range. In fact, the invariant must only hold before and after calls to public methods: it’s allowed to be broken during the execution. If you’re wondering how this interacts with threading: confine ALL the things!. Anyway, let’s see whether the contract is adhered to.

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        Stack *stack = [Stack new];
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            [stack push:@(i)];
            NSLog(@"stack size: %ld", (long)[stack count]);

2014-08-11 22:41:48.074 ContractStack[2295:507] stack size: 1
2014-08-11 22:41:48.076 ContractStack[2295:507] stack size: 2
2014-08-11 22:41:48.076 ContractStack[2295:507] stack size: 3
2014-08-11 22:41:48.076 ContractStack[2295:507] stack size: 4
2014-08-11 22:41:48.076 ContractStack[2295:507] *** Assertion failure in -[Stack forwardInvocation:], ContractStack.m:40
2014-08-11 22:41:48.077 ContractStack[2295:507] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException',
 reason: 'invariant count BETWEEN {0, 4} violated after call to push:'

Erm, oops. OK, this looks pretty useful. I’ll add another clause: the caller isn’t allowed to call -pop unless there are objects on the stack.

- (NSDictionary *)contract
    NSPredicate *countBoundaries = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @"count BETWEEN %@",
                                    @[@0, @(kMaximumStackSize)]];
    NSPredicate *containsObjects = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @"count > 0"];
    NSMutableDictionary *contract = [@{@"invariant" : countBoundaries,
             @"pre_pop" : containsObjects} mutableCopy];
    [contract addEntriesFromDictionary:[super contract]];
    return contract;

So I’m not allowed to hold it wrong in this way, either?

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        Stack *stack = [Stack new];
        id foo = [stack pop];

2014-08-11 22:46:12.473 ContractStack[2386:507] *** Assertion failure in -[Stack forwardInvocation:], ContractStack.m:35
2014-08-11 22:46:12.475 ContractStack[2386:507] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException',
 reason: 'precondition count > 0 violated before call to pop'

No, good. Having a contract is a bit like having unit tests, except that the unit tests are always running whenever your object is being used. Try out Eiffel; it’s pleasant to have real syntax for this, though really the Objective-C version isn’t so bad.

Finally, the contract is implemented by some simple message interception (try doing that in your favourite modern programming language of choice, non-Rubyists!).

@interface ContractObject : NSObject
- (NSDictionary *)contract;

static SEL internalSelector(SEL aSelector);

@implementation ContractObject

- (NSDictionary *)contract { return @{}; }

- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector
    NSMethodSignature *sig = [super methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
    if (!sig) {
        sig = [super methodSignatureForSelector:internalSelector(aSelector)];
    return sig;

- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)inv
    SEL realSelector = internalSelector([inv selector]);
    if ([self respondsToSelector:realSelector]) {
        NSDictionary *contract = [self contract];
        NSPredicate *alwaysTrue = [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:YES];
        NSString *calledSelectorName = NSStringFromSelector([inv selector]);
        inv.selector = realSelector;
        NSPredicate *invariant = contract[@"invariant"]?:alwaysTrue;
        NSAssert([invariant evaluateWithObject:self],
            @"invariant %@ violated before call to %@", invariant, calledSelectorName);
        NSString *preconditionKey = [@"pre_" stringByAppendingString:calledSelectorName];
        NSPredicate *precondition = contract[preconditionKey]?:alwaysTrue;
        NSAssert([precondition evaluateWithObject:self],
            @"precondition %@ violated before call to %@", precondition, calledSelectorName);
        [inv invoke];
        NSString *postconditionKey = [@"post_" stringByAppendingString:calledSelectorName];
        NSPredicate *postcondition = contract[postconditionKey]?:alwaysTrue;
        NSAssert([postcondition evaluateWithObject:self],
            @"postcondition %@ violated after call to %@", postcondition, calledSelectorName);
        NSAssert([invariant evaluateWithObject:self],
            @"invariant %@ violated after call to %@", invariant, calledSelectorName);


SEL internalSelector(SEL aSelector)
    return NSSelectorFromString([@"in_" stringByAppendingString:NSStringFromSelector(aSelector)]);

About Graham

I make it faster and easier for you to create high-quality code.
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One Response to Contractually-obligated testing

  1. Pingback: Michael Tsai - Blog - Contractually-obligated Testing

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