I just pushed another update to APPropriate Behaviour, my work on the things programmers do that aren’t programming. There’s some refinement to the existing material to be done, and a couple of short extra chapters to finish and add. But then it will be complete!
The recommended price of APPropriate Behaviour is $20. While it’s been under development, I’ve allowed readers interested in a sneak peak to buy APPropriate Behaviour at any price above $5. Once the final chapters are in place, the recommended price will remain $20 but the minimum price will be increasing. If you’ve been pondering buying it but haven’t yet, I recommend you do so now to get a bargain. Even if you buy it while I’m still working on it, you’ll get free updates for life as I add new material and make corrections.
As a little taster of things to come, the two remaining chapters are:
- The ethics of making software
- The philosophy of making software
Can’t wait to see what that means? Neither can I!