Hiding behind messages

A problem I think about every so often is how to combine the software design practice of hiding implementations behind interfaces with the engineering practice of parallel execution. What are the trade-offs between making parallelism explicit and information hiding? Where are some lines that can be drawn?

Why do we need abstractions for this stuff, when the libraries we have already work? Those libraries make atomic features like threads and locks explicit, or they make change of control flow explicit, and those are things we can manage in one place for the benefit of the rest of our application. Nobody likes to look at the dispatch terrace:


Previous solutions have involved object confinement, where every object has its own context and runs its code there, and the command bus, where you ask for work to be done but don’t get to choose where.

Today’s solution is a bit more explicit, but not much. For every synchronous method, create an asynchronous version:

@interface MyObject : Awaitable

- (NSString *)expensiveCalculation;
- async_expensiveCalculation;


@implementation MyObject

- (NSString *)expensiveCalculation
  return @"result!";


int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
  @autoreleasepool {
    MyObject *o = [MyObject new];
    id asyncResult = [o async_expensiveCalculation];
    // you could explicitly wait for the calculation...
    NSLog(@"Result initial: %@", [[asyncResult await]   substringToIndex:1]);
    // ...but why bother?
    NSLog(@"Shouty result: %@", [asyncResult uppercaseString]);
  return 0;

This is more of a fork-and-join approach than fire and forget. The calling thread carries on running until it actually needs the result of the calculation, at which point it waits (if necessary) for the callee to complete before continuing. It’ll be familiar to programmers on other platforms as async/await.

The implementation is – blah blah awesome power of the runtime – a forwardInvocation: method that looks for messages with the async marker, patches their selector and creates a proxy object to invoke them in the background. That proxy is then written into the original invocation as its return value. Not shown: a pretty straightforward category implementing -[NSInvocation copyWithZone:].

@implementation Awaitable

- (SEL)suppliedSelectorForMissingSelector:(SEL)aSelector
  NSString *selectorName = NSStringFromSelector(aSelector);
  NSString *realSelectorName = nil;
  if ([selectorName hasPrefix:@"async_"]) {
    realSelectorName = [selectorName substringFromIndex:6];
  return NSSelectorFromString(realSelectorName);

- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector
  NSMethodSignature *aSignature =   [super methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
  if (aSignature == nil) {
    aSignature =    [super methodSignatureForSelector:[self suppliedSelectorForMissingSelector:aSelector]];
  return aSignature;

- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation
  SEL trueSelector =    [self suppliedSelectorForMissingSelector:[anInvocation selector]];
  NSInvocation *cachedInvocation = [anInvocation copy];
  [cachedInvocation setSelector:trueSelector];
  CBox *box = [CBox cBoxWithInvocation:cachedInvocation];
  [anInvocation setReturnValue:&box];


Why is the proxy object called CBox? No better reason than that I built this while reading a reflection on Concurrent Smalltalk where that’s the name of this object too.

@interface CBox : NSProxy

+ (instancetype)cBoxWithInvocation:(NSInvocation *)inv;
- await;


@implementation CBox
  NSInvocation *invocation;
  NSOperationQueue *queue;

+ (instancetype)cBoxWithInvocation:(NSInvocation *)inv
  CBox *box = [[self alloc] init];
  box->invocation = [inv retain];
  box->queue = [NSOperationQueue new];
  NSInvocationOperation *op = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc]    initWithInvocation:inv];
  [box->queue addOperation:op];
  return [box autorelease];

- init
  return self;

- await
  [queue waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished];
  id returnValue;
  [invocation getReturnValue:&returnValue];
  return [[returnValue retain] autorelease];

- (void)dealloc
  [queue release];
  [invocation release];
  [super dealloc];

- forwardingTargetForSelector:(SEL)aSelector
  return [self await];


You don’t always need some huge library to clean things up. Here are about 70 lines of Objective-C that abstract an implementation of concurrent programming and stop my application code from having to interweave the distinct responsibilities of what it’s trying to do and how it’s trying to do it.

About Graham

I make it faster and easier for you to create high-quality code.
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4 Responses to Hiding behind messages

  1. Interesting approach, I hadn’t thought of analyzing the messages on the target object.

    But why not a HOM?

    [[anObject async] expensiveComputation];

    (I use async for void returns, future for results)

    futureResult = [[anObject future] expensiveComputation];

    But whichever way you choose, I’d say definitely go for messaging!

  2. Graham says:

    Honestly the only reason is that I never thought to do it that way.

    I think I have some irrational ur-fear of HOM that came from being introduced to it at a time when I didn’t yet understand message-passing properly. I remember avoiding OCMock for ages because I just couldn’t think about how the fluent interfaces it offered actually built the library’s capabilities.

  3. Pingback: Concurrent objects and SCOOP – Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programmers

  4. Pingback: On or Between | Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programmers

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