Knowledge management—not just in software engineering and not just digital knowledge management—has long had to account for tacit knowledge: the things that people know, but never say.
“A lesser blog would reproduce the Donald Rumsfeld statement about known unknowns at this point”—Graham Lee.
Where do people pick up this tacit knowledge? In conversations, at conferences, by reading books: it’s not really tacit in that it’s literally never spoken. Tacit knowledge is tacit in that people rely on it in particular scenarios without being explicit that they’re relying on it.
Every software engineering process or methodology works (or not) in the presence of tacit knowledge. How they work in its presence is illuminating, mostly for telling us something about how the people who created the process think about the world.
The waterfall-as-practiced (i.e. not the Royceian “do it twice” version, but the DoD and everyone in the 1980s “do it once” version) model seems to rely on all knowledge being explicit, and available. There are truths about the universe that are your software’s requirements, and if you spend enough time and do a good enough job at requirements gathering you can know what those requirements are before you get to the point where you use those requirements in writing a specification.
Every iterative and incremental model, from the Royceian waterfall-as-described process where you write one to throw away then write it again, through the spiral model, to the various scrums and scrumbuts in practice today, allows for people saying “oh, right, no, not that, because…” and bringing that tacit knowledge into the open. They might not express that that’s why they have iterations, they might say it’s for early and continuous delivery of value or to identify and mitigate risks, but they still do give space for “what I meant to say was…”.
Structured programming approaches expect everything to be written down. A use case (in the original, technical meaning, not the current fancy-way-to-say-“situation” meaning) is a pedantic document that describes all of the interactions someone might have with “the system” in pursuit of a particular goal.
Lightweight approaches expect the bare minimum to be written down, and everything to be elucidated. A user story (in the original, technical meaning, not the current fancy-way-to-say-“Jira ticket” meaning) is a placeholder for a conversation. You’re meant to write the story on one side of an index card, then, as you have the conversations, capture the rest of the information that everybody needs on the other side.
Internal wikis trade on the idea that if only it were really easy to edit a knowledge base, we’d all just write down our tacit knowledge and make it explicit, while also somehow making it salient, searchable, and up to date. Intranets trade on the idea that nobody knows anything outside of their lane and that it’s up to the Department of XYZ to make the Policy for XYing your Z available to all employees or no Z will ever get XYd in the correct way.
Interestingly a recent development in software engineering methodology seems to be both positivist and dependent on tacit knowledge. That’s the “web-scale” methodology, where you never talk to customers, but you run A/B tests, you create metrics, and optimise for those metrics. Positivist, because there is assumed to be a success factor that can be measured numerically and attained by moving the numbers. Tacit, because no customer ever says what they want or why they want it: instead, organisations create numeric goals that represent what a million, or a billion, customers are guessed to want, and strive to make the numbers go up (or down, as appropriate).
I suspect that this approach may be the biggest methodological innovation in software in more than two decades, and also one that methodologists seem to be currently quiet on.