While I have access to streaming services that offer most of the music that the labels the services deal with still publish, I also have a significant collection of music on physical media, and do most of my listening to prerecorded music by playing entire albums, in order, from a physical format. I recently shared a not-entirely-serious overview of the nostalgia for physical prerecorded audio formats with some friends, and here’s the annotated version. In what follows, the formats are presented from best to worst.

Compact Disc (CD)
Summary: these are the true audiophile-grade format and any golden ears fool who tells you vinyl is better is deluded.
It’s CD’s blessing, and curse, that it’s the ideal physical format for music. Blessing, because it replaced everything that came before it, and remained dominant until the rise of the MP3/streamed audio file (which offered lower quality than CDs at the time, but greater convenience). Curse, because its perfection leads to sterility: what you get from playing a CD is the music that was recorded onto it, every time. Any noise was on the master tape, and any imperfections are due to your setup. It’s unexciting, so was easy to abandon.
And CD digital audio, the red book standard for encoding stereo sound quantised at 16 bits with 44.1kHz sampling, is good enough. HDCD, SACD, DVD-Audio, and HFPA Blu-ray may all be “better” on the spec sheet, but unless you’re sitting in the centre of a perfectly set up room listening to something that was mastered at very high fidelity, and are young enough that your ears can physically react to the higher frequencies, none of that matters.
There are two downside to CD, the first is that the case problem took so long to solve. The standard jewel cases are too fragile for many applications, and the little tabs that hold the booklet in tend to damage the booklets. The other is that the ability to record to CD took so long to come about, and that the recordable discs are unreliable in many players. That probably worked in the format’s favour for adoption as a pre-recorded format, though, because the labels were very worried that “home taping is killing music” so a read-only delivery medium was their preference.
Minidisc (MD)
Summary: like better CDs except for the limited capacity and the proprietary encoding.
I’ll admit that even though CDs are at the top of my list, MD is my favourite format. A disc is smaller than a CD, robust due to its enclosing cassette, recordable (even with many portable players), contains the track listing on the disc, and is straight-up fun to use.
Getting CD capacity on a smaller disc was achieved by using a compressed audio format called ATRAC (the data capacity of a MD is about half that of a CD). Often this doesn’t lead to any observable quality degradation, but later players and recorders supported the MD-LP format which used more aggressive compression to achieve higher run times, and you can sometimes hear that like listening to a 2000s-era MP3 file. Eventually Hi-MD (high capacity minidisc) solved the problem but in a way that didn’t preserve backwards compatibility.
Prerecorded MDs were uncommon (“home taping is killing music” and MD is a recordable format, so Sony had to introduce the Serial Copy Management System which meant that a second-generation digital copy on MD could not itself be duplicated), indeed most were released by labels that Sony themselves owned. And if you think the little booklets of notes, lyrics, and art you get in a CD are small, they’re absolutely Lilliputian in an MD box.
Vinyl (33rpm LP, 45rpm SP)
Summary: for getting a pleasant feeling from the shitty sound of pops and dusty styli.
The nostalgia that exists around vinyl stems from its long reign as the only game in town. Because the discs are so big (12″ LP, 7″ SP), you get nice sleeve art. The format itself suffers from the fact that dragging a diamond or sapphire across a sheet of PVC generates static electricity, which attracts dust and discharges, and that all of that gets heard as noise in the pickup system. Also it’s easy to smear or scratch a record, and cause more defects on playback.
One thing that the stylus doesn’t particularly care about is the amount of plastic below the groove, which hasn’t stopped revival manufacturers from selling the amount of plastic (180g! 200g! 220g!) as a premium feature.
MP3 player
Summary: I guess these are nostalgia now also.
Summary: like shitty vinyl.
A great way to annoy a vegan would be to farm insects so you can turn their exudate into reproductions of musical recordings. And that’s exactly what happened up until about 1948.
By the way, the limited capacity of shellac records (as the reproduction process was even noisier than microgroove vinyl, the records had to spin at 78rpm, chosen because the gears to get the motor to run at 78rpm were already constructed for use in players for talkie movie houses) meant that they wouldn’t fit much music on each side of a disc. Large collections of discs were bound into albums and sold together, and that’s why music albums are called albums. There you go.
Pianola/barrel organ punched paper rolls
Summary: convenient format, awkward-ass players.
Imagine having a whole piano that you don’t play yourself, but that has a clockwork punched paper feeder like a mechanised loom that plays it for you. The rolls were mastered using the reverse process, where someone played a piano that marked up where the holes should go on a blank paper roll. It’s kind of fun to think that the ghost of Scott Joplin is playing the Maple Leaf Rag on your piano.
Wax cylinder
Summary: no, you don’t actually remember this.
Digital Audio Tape (DAT)/ Digital Compact Cassette (DCC)
Summary: if you remember these then well done, you bought the wrong hi-fi.
It’s a shame that these come above the compact cassette in this list, because they fixed some of the problems of that format that we haven’t been able to discuss yet. However, they didn’t fix the main issues: that tape is sequentially fed into the player like a pianola roll, and that when you do that there’s a high chance it gets mangled up in the player.
DCC exists because Sony and Philips had stopped collaborating, and Philips wanted to position themselves against MD. There’s a sounds-too-good-to-be-true story that MD and DCC were demoed at the same event, and that while playback sounded great from both formats, there was an awkward silence punctuated only by the giggles of journalists when the Philips rep switched to a different track which involved fast-winding the tape.
Compact Cassette
Summary: you remember these and they’re really bad.
There’s a recent trend for cassette revival, and it makes me feel weird. The only format that adds so much noise, Dolby invented multiple compansion techniques to try to make the sound listenable. The format where there’s a good chance that when you take a cassette out of the player, the tape stays inside the player and outside the cassette. The format that triggered the “you’re old if you know what this is for” picture of a pencil meme. The format where playing the music rubs the music off the tape.
I have multiple cassette players, but mostly for retro computing reasons. I didn’t enjoy tape “back in the day”, I’m not like to start now.
Endless loop (4-track, 8-track), other cart tape or reel-to-reel tape formats
Summary: worse than compact cassette.