Graham discusses the experience of taking on a project that has been started by an enthusiastic novice and getting ready to engineer changes.
Full show notes:
Graham discusses the experience of taking on a project that has been started by an enthusiastic novice and getting ready to engineer changes.
Full show notes:
I made a podcast! Full show notes here due to the character limit at podbean.
Free books on Smalltalk: the three Addison-Wesley books “Smalltalk-80: The Interactive Programming Environment”, “Smalltalk-80: The Language and its Implementation” and “Smalltalk-80: Bits of History, Words of Advice” are mentioned in this podcast, and the second of those is “the blue book” at the centre of the episode.
AROS Research Operating System is the Amiga-compatible open source operating system. It can boot on (i386 or m68k) hardware, or run hosted in Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, and Windows.
Please let me know what you think! You can find me on twitter at @iwasleeg, and I gave out my email address in the podcast. You could also comment here!
Errata: I said the Amiga 1000 had 128kB of RAM but it had 256kB, sorry!
Graham describes what he’s learned about object-oriented programming and memory management from the beginning of his project to write a Smalltalk-80 implementation.
Full show notes:
I introduce the kind of customer who needs the Labrary’s advice with the following description:
Your software team was a sight to behold, when it started out. You very quickly got to an MVP, validated its fit with early successes, iterated on the user experience and added the missing features. You hired a few more developers to cover the demand.
Now, things are starting to feel slower. The team insists they’re still continuing apace, but you haven’t kept that initial excitement. Developers are grumbling about technical debt. The backlog keeps growing. Testers aren’t keeping up – despite automation. The initial customers aren’t getting the benefits they first expected, and new customers aren’t being won at the rate you’d like.
The problem was that the way you hit it out of the park worked well in the early days, when you had a green field project and no existing code or customers to support. Now your customers expect all new features and surprising and delightful interactions: but they also expect nothing to change, and certainly not to break. The desired qualities of your software have changed, and so the quality of your software must change.
Plenty of people, typically CTOs and heads of software development, typically at growth scale, identify with this description, so it’s worth digging deeper into how it comes about.
At the early stage, your company has a small team, a vague idea of what the product is, and no customers. Literally anything your engineering team can do will be valuable: it will either be a product that fits the market, or tell you where the market isn’t. Obviously there’s some hand-waving about being able to market and sell whatever it is that your engineering team build, but by and large anything you come up with is somehow useful. You are either defining a new market, in which case all work is market-leading, or entering an established market, in which case your direction is clear. It’s hard to make a wrong decision at this stage, but very easy to stick to one.
And while we all know the horror stories about shipping your prototype to production, it’s actually not a bad plan at this stage. You don’t know what will or won’t work, so getting something out there quickly is exactly the right thing to do. And your developers probably have a base standard of maturity even for prototype projects, so you’ll have version control, some form of testing infrastructure and CI, external libraries for data storage, it won’t be a complete wild west.
Things go, loosely speaking, in one of two directions here. If you fail to find the right customers and the right product, you’re out of money, thanks for playing. If you find the right product for the right people, then congratulations! You get more money, either through revenue or a funding round, and you grow the company. Maybe the programmer you were paying before becomes the CTO, maybe one or two of the contractors you worked with come on as perms, and you get a couple of new people come on in return for an OK salary and the promise of the stock sometime being worth something. One of those people is even a QA!
Of course, the cash injection (particularly if it came as a lump through funding that can be drawn down as necessary) gives you the headroom to do things properly. Technologies are chosen, an architecture is designed (usually just by connecting the technologies with arrows), and an attempt is made to build the new thing, support the old thing, and continue adding new features and differentiate in the market. A key customer demographic is sold the promise of the new system (it being exciting and more capable, at least that is what the roadmap says), takes delivery of the old system (it being ready), then takes up time asking for the new features. You either divert resources from the new system to the old to add the features there, or invent some unholy hybrid where your existing thing makes calls to the new thing for the new features with a load of data consistency glue binding the two together. We’ll call these customers “saps” for now. Also, whether you’ve caught up to your competitors or your competitors to them, you’re now having to maintain an edge.
Let’s take stock here. You have:
That’s more work! But it’s OK, you’ve got more people. But where you add to the old system (which pleases your saps) you take away from the new, so tend to favour unintrusive patches rather than deeper changes there. Which makes it harder to understand, and harder to support, which is more work! OK, so hire more people! But now engineering costs more. OK, so sell the original thing (not the new thing, it isn’t ready yet) to a few more customers! But now there are more customers, demanding more features, and more support. OK, so hire more people!
Run through that cycle a few times and you end up in the place I described in the Labrary blurb. You’ve got a big team, filled with capable engineers, working hard, and delivering…not as much as anyone would like. The problem is that working on the software is pulling them away from working for the company. The other problem is that you’re measuring how much the software gets worked on.
In designing a relational database schema, many people will automatically create a column id integer primary key
for every table, using their database’s automatic increment feature to assign a new value to each row they insert
. My assertion is that this choice of primary key should be the last resort, not the first.
A database schema is a design artifact, describing the data we want to store and the relationships between records (rows) in those data. It is also meta-design, because the schema constrains us in designing the queries we use to work with the data. Using the same, minimal-effort primary key type for every table then avoids communicating information about the structure and meaning of the data in that table and imposes irrelevant features in the queries we design.
The fact that people use the name id
for this autoincrementing integer field gives away the fact that the primary key is used to identify a row in a database. The primary key for a table should ideally be the minimal subset of relevant information that uniquely identifies an individual record. If you have a single column, say name
, with not null
and unique
constraints, that’s an indicator (though not a cast-iron guarantee) that this column may be the table’s primary key. Sometimes, the primary key can be a tuple of multiple columns. A glyph can be uniquely identified by the tuple (character, font, swash) for example (it can, regardless of whether this is how your particular favourite text system represents it, or whether you think that this is a weird way to store ligatures). The glyphs “(e, Times New Roman Regular 16pt, normal)” and “(ct, Irvin Demibold 24pt, fancy)” are more readily recognisable than the glyphs “146276” and “793651”, even if both are ways to refer to the same data. A music album is identified by the artist and the album name (he says, side-eyeing Led Zeppelin): “A Night at the Opera” is ambiguous while “(Blind Guardian, A Night at the Opera)” is definitely not “(Queen, A Night at the Opera)”.
Use an integer identifier where there is no other way to uniquely identify rows in a table. Note: sometimes there is another, more meaningful way, even where that just means using somebody else’s unique identifier: different copies of the same book will have unique shelfmarks if they’re part of a library, for example. People in an organisation may have an employee number, or a single sign-on user name; though there may be privacy reasons not to use these.
A side-effect of using useful information to identify rows in a database is that it can simplify your queries, because where your foreign keys would otherwise be meaningless numbers, they now actually carry useful information. Here’s an example, from a real application, in which I’m sad to say I designed both the “before” and “after” schemata.
The app is a risk management tool. There are descriptions of risks (I’d like to believe that they all at least have a distinct description but I can’t be sure, so those will use integer id PKs), and for each risk there are people in certain roles who bring particular skills to bear on mitigating the risk. The same role can be applied to more than one risk, the same skill can be applied by more than one role, and one role may apply multiple skills, so there’s a three-way join to work out, for a given risk, what roles and skills are relevant.
The before schema:
create table risk (id integer primary key, description varchar not null, weight integer, severity integer, likelihood integer); -- many fields elided
create table role (id integer primary key, name varchar not null, unique(name)); -- ruh roh
create table skill (id integer primary key, name varchar not null, unique(name)); -- the same anti-pattern twice
create table risk_role_skill (id integer primary key, risk_id integer, role_id integer, skill_id integer, foreign key(risk_id) references risk(id), foreign key(role_id) references role(id), foreign key(skill_id) references skill(id));
In this application, we start by looking at a list of risks then inspect one to see what roles are relevant to mitigating it, and then what skills. So a valid question is: “given a risk, what roles are relevant to it?”
select distinct inner join risk_role_skill on = risk_role_skill.role_id where risk_role_skill.risk_id = ?;
But if we notice the names of each role and skill are unique, then we can surmise that they are sufficient to identify a given role or skill. In fact, the only information we have about roles or skills are the names.
create table risk (id integer primary key, description varchar not null, weight integer, severity integer, likelihood integer); -- many fields elided
create table role (name varchar primary key); -- uhhh...
create table skill (name varchar primary key); -- this still looks weird...
create table risk_role_skill (id integer primary key, risk_id integer, role_name varchar, skill_name varchar, foreign key(risk_id) references risk(id), foreign key(role_name) references role(name), foreign key(skill_name) references skill(name));
Here’s the new query:
select distinct role_name from risk_role_skill where risk_id = ?;
We’ve removed the join completely!
Two remaining points:
and skill
tables now, other than their identifying names. Does that mean we need the tables at all? In this case no, but in general we need to think here. How are the names in the join table going to get populated otherwise? If there are a limited set of valid values to choose from, then keeping a table with the range of values and a foreign key constraint to that table may be a good way to express the intent that the column’s content be drawn from that range. As an example, a particular bookstore may have printed, ebook, and audiobook media, so could restrict the medium
field in their stock
table to one of those values.risk_role_skill
table have an identifier at all? It is a collection of associations between values, so a row’s content is that row’s identity.Here’s the after schema:
create table risk (id integer primary key, description varchar, weight integer, severity integer, likelihood integer); -- many fields elided
create table risk_role_skill (risk_id integer, role varchar, skill varchar, foreign key(risk_id) references risk(id), primary key(risk_id, role, skill));
And the after query:
select distinct role from risk_role_skill where risk_id = ?;
Two fewer tables, no joins, altogether a much simpler database to understand and work with.
Yesterday, we observed that the goal of considering the go to
statement harmful was so that a programmer could write a correct program and have done with it. We noticed that this is never how computering works: many programs are not even instantaneously correct because they represent an understanding of a domain captured at an earlier time, before the context was altered by both external changes and the introduction of the software itself.
Today, let’s look at the benefits of removing the go to
statement. Dijkstra again:
My second remark is that our intellectual powers are rather geared to master static relations and that our powers to visualize processes evolving in time are relatively poorly developed. For that reason we should do (as wise programmers aware of our limitations) our utmost to shorten the conceptual gap between the static program and the dynamic process, to make the correspondence between the program (spread out in text space) and the process (spread out in time) as trivial as possible.
This makes sense! Our source code is a static model of our software system, which is itself (we hope) a model of a problem that somebody has along with tools to help with solving that problem. But our software system is a dynamic actor that absorbs, transforms, and emits data, reacting to and generating events in communication with other human and non-human actors. We need to ensure that the dynamic behaviour is evident in the static model, so that we can “reason about” the development of the system. How does Dijkstra’s removal of go to
help us achieve that?
Let us now consider how we can characterize the progress of a process. (You may think about this question in a very concrete manner: suppose that a process, considered as a time succession of actions, is stopped after an arbitrary action, what data do we have to fix in order that we can redo the process until the very same point?) If the program text is a pure concatenation of, say, assignment statements (for the purpose of this discussion regarded as the descriptions of single actions) it is sufficient to point in the program text to a point between two successive action descriptions. (In the absence of
go to
statements I can permit myself the syntactic ambiguity in the last three words of the previous sentence: if we parse them as “successive (action descriptions)” we mean successive in text space; if we parse as “(successive action) descriptions” we mean successive in time.) Let us call such a pointer to a suitable place in the text a “textual index.”[…]
Why do we need such independent coordinates? The reason is – and this seems to be inherent to sequential processes – that we can interpret the value of a variable only with respect to the progress of the process. If we wish to count the number, n say, of people in an initially empty room, we can achieve this by increasing n by one whenever we see someone entering the room. In the in-between moment that we have observed someone entering the room but have not yet performed the subsequent increase of n, its value equals the number of people in the room minus one!
So the value of go to
-less programming is that I can start at the entry point, and track every change in the system between there and the point of interest. But I only need to do that once (well, once for each different condition, loop, procedure code path, etc.) and then I can write down “at this index, these things have happened”. Conversely, I can start with the known state at a known point, and run the program counter backwards, undoing the changes I observe (obviously encountering problems if any of those are assignments). With go to
statements present, I cannot know the history of how the program counter came to be here, so I can’t make confident statements about the dynamic evolution of the system.
This isn’t the only way to ensure that we understand a software system’s dynamic behaviour, which is lucky because it’s not a particularly good one. In today’s parlance, it “doesn’t scale”. Imagine being given the bug report “I clicked in the timeline on a YouTube video during an advert and the comments disappeared”, and trying to build a view of the stateful evolution of the entire YouTube system (or even just the browser, if you like, and if it turns out you don’t need the rest of the information) between main()
and the location of the program counter where the bug emerged. Even if we pretend that a browser isn’t multithreaded, you would not have a good time.
Another approach is to encapsulate parts of the program, so that the amount we need to comprehend in one go is smaller. When you do that, you don’t need to worry about where the global program counter is or how it got there. Donald Knuth demonstrated this in Structured Programming with go to
Statements, and went on to say that removing all instances of go to
is solving the wrong problem:
One thing we haven’t spelled out clearly, however, is what makes some go to’s bad and others acceptable. The reason is that we’ve really been directing our attention to the wrong issue, to the objective question of go to elimination instead of the important subjective question of program structure.
In the words of John Brown [here, Knuth cites an unpublished note], “The act of focusing our mightiest intellectual resources on the elusive goal of go to-less programs has helped us get our minds off all those really tough and possibly unresolvable problems and issues with which today’s professional programmer would otherwise have to grapple.”
Much has been written on structured programming, procedural programming, object-oriented programming, and functional programming, which all have the same goal: separate a program into “a thing which uses this little bit of software, according to its contract” and “the thing that you would like to believe implements this contract”. OOP and FP additionally make explicit the isolation of state changes, so that you don’t need to know the whole value of the computer’s memory to assert conformance to the contract. Instead, you just need to know the value of the little bit of memory in the fake standalone computer that runs this one object, or this one function (or indeed model the behaviour of the object or function without reference to computer details like memory).
Use or otherwise of go to
statements in a thoughtfully-designed (I admit that statement opens a can of worms) is orthogonal to understanding the behaviour of the program. Let me type part of an Array
class based on a linked list directly into my blog editor:
Public Class Array Of ElementType
Private entries As LinkedList(Of ElementType)
Public Function Count() As Integer
Dim list As LinkedList(Of ElementType) = entries
Count = 0
If list.IsEmpty() Then GoTo empty
Count = Count + 1
list = list.Next()
GoTo nonempty
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function At(index As Integer) As ElementType
Dim cursor As Integer = index
Dim list As LinkedList(Of ElementType) = entries
If list.IsEmpty() Then Err.Raise("Index Out of Bounds Error")
If cursor = 0 Then Return list.Element()
list = list.Next()
cursor = cursor - 1
GoTo next
End Function
End Class
While this code sample uses go to
statements, I would suggest it’s possible to explore the assertion “objects of class Array
satisfy the contract for an array” without too much difficulty. As such, the behaviour of the program anywhere that uses arrays is simplified by the assumption “Array
behaves according to the contract”, and the behaviour anywhere else is simplified by ignoring the Array
code entirely.
Whatever harm the go to
statement caused, it was not as much harm as trying to define a “correct” program by understanding all of the ways in which the program counter arrived at the current instruction.
Dijkstra didn’t claim to consider the go to statement harmful, not in those words. The title of his letter to CACM was provided by the editor, Niklaus Wirth, who did such a great job that the entire industry knows that go to
is “Considered Harmful”, and that you can quickly rack up the clicks by considering other things harmful.
A deeper reading of his short (~1400 words) article raises some interesting points, that did not as yet receive as much airing. Here, in the interests of writing an even shorter letter, is just one.
My first remark is that, although the programmer’s activity ends when he has constructed a correct program, the process taking place under control of his program is the true subject matter of his activity, for it is this process that has to accomplish the desired effect; it is this process that in its dynamic behavior has to satisfy the desired specifications. Yet, once the program has been made, the “making’ of the corresponding process is delegated to the machine.
There are many difficulties with this statement, including the presumed gender of the programmer. Let us also consider the idea of a “correct” program, which does not exist for the majority of programmers. Eight years after Dijkstra’s letter was published, Belady and Lehman published the first law of program evolution dynamics:
_ Law of continuing change_. A system that is used undergoes continuing change until it is judged more cost effective to freeze and recreate it. Software does not face the physical decay problems that hardware faces. But the power and logical flexibility of computing systems, the extending technology of computer applications, the ever-evolving hardware, and the pressures for the exploitation of new business opportunities all make demands. Manufacturers, therefore, encourage the continuous adaptation of programs to keep in step with increasing skill, insight, ambition, and opportunity. In addition to such external pressures for change, there is the constant need to repair system faults, whether they are errors that stem from faulty implementation or defects that relate to weaknesses in design or behavior. Thus a programming system undergoes continuous maintenance and development, driven by mutually stimulating changes in system capability and environmental usage. In fact, the evolution pattern of a large program is similar to that of any other complex system in that it stems from the closed-loop cyclic adaptation of environment to system changes and vice versa.
This model of programming looks much more familiar to me when I reflect on my experience than the Dijkstra model. If Dijkstra’s programmer stopped programming when they have “constructed a correct program”, then their system would fail as it didn’t adapt to “increasing skill, insight, ambition, and opportunity”.
The programmer who would thrive in this environment is more akin to Ward Cunningham’s opportunistic rewriter, based on his experience of the WyCash Portfolio Management System. That programmer rewrites every module they touch, to ensure that it represents the latest information they have. We recognise the genesis of Ward’s “technical debt” concept in this quote, and also perhaps what we would now call “refactoring”:
Shipping first time code is like going into debt. A little debt speeds development so long as it is paid back promptly with a rewrite. Objects make the cost of this transaction tolerable. The danger occurs when the debt is not repaid. Every minute spent on not-quite-right code counts as interest on that debt. Entire engineering organizations can be brought to a stand-still under the debt load of an unconsolidated implementation, object-oriented or otherwise.
The traditional waterfall development cycle has endeavored to avoid programming catastrophe by working out a program in detail before programming begins. We watch with some interest as the community attempts to apply these techniques to objects. However, using our debt analogy, we recognize this amounts to preserving the concept of payment up-front and in-full. The modularity offered by objects and the practice of consolidation make the alternative, incremental growth, both feasible and desirable in the competitive financial software market.
Ward also doesn’t use go to
statements, his programming environment doesn’t supply them. But it is not the ability of his team to avoid incorrect programs by using other control structures that he finds valuable; rather the willingness of his programmers to jettison old code and evolve their system with its context.
Free and open source software has traditionally been defined as the opposite of something else: proprietary (or commercially-licensed) software. That’s particularly obvious in the name of the GNU project, which calls itself “Not UNIX” – a popular AT&T-owned commercial software property of the time. The GNU manifesto goes deeper on the specific ways in which it is Not Unix:
I consider that the Golden Rule requires that if I like a program I must share it with other people who like it. Software sellers want to divide the users and conquer them, making each user agree not to share with others. I refuse to break solidarity with other users in this way. I cannot in good conscience sign a nondisclosure agreement or a software license agreement. For years I worked within the Artificial Intelligence Lab to resist such tendencies and other inhospitalities, but eventually they had gone too far: I could not remain in an institution where such things are done for me against my will.
The focus of this document, and of the various free software licenses, is on the distribution and redistribution rights associated with the software. Thus the focus of the Free Software Foundation, Open Source Initiative, and the other organisations that promote free or open source software is on ensuring appropriate licences are used, and that distributors comply with the licence terms.
Otherwise, free software development is not particularly distinguished from other forms of software development. There are, of course, some outliers, but mostly you’ll see a “core team”, perhaps with a formal structure (component owners, project/release managers, and other roles are common). This team organises its work around proprietary work-allocation tooling like Jira, Github, Slack, Trello, and so on. In many cases, an organisation such as a commercial company or business-interest foundation exists to centralise ownership and decision making, like a good old-fashioned Fordist company. The only visible difference in operations is that it’s possible to read the source code and get changes from outside through the gates and into their repository.
The reason so much work in open source software looks a whole lot like commercial software is that it is work in commercial software. Sometimes the open source project exists exactly to drive adoption of commercially-licensed equivalents, replacements, or upgrades. “Open core” products exist so that you find a need for the commercial features. Developer advocates build open source workflow tools as a sort of loss leading pre-sales activity. And many companies publish open source software “off the money path” as a recruitment activity: do some free work on our pull requests then come here and get paid to reject pull requests from your peers!
Note that I’m not saying all free software or open source software is like this, but that plenty is. Free and open source software development is informed by, and mimics, commercial software engineering to a large extent.
Of course it’s this way, you say, we software engineers need our expensive software engineering lifestyles supported by our high software engineering salaries, so we learn our craft in corporate service and that informs all of our development, including open source. Or that we are only able to contribute to open source when it’s in pursuit of our employers’ goals, because Computering Time is something we do in the office. So it’s no surprise that a lot of open source software development looks like, or is, corporate software development. If only there were proper, sustainable funding for open source software!
To which I say: that is an interesting, and problematic, request, and I wish to put it to one side. Maybe I’ll revisit it in a later post. What I’m more interested in, is what an open source movement that was centered around the Four Freedoms, rather than software-licensing concerns, would look like. One in which you didn’t merely have some abstract legal freedom to do the four activities, but were empowered to do so.
How much free or open source software cannot directly be used by anyone who isn’t a programmer? Think of all of the things that are only distributed as developer libraries, for developers to incorporate into (commercial or open source) applications. The things that get duplicated as a pod, an egg, a crate, and in whatever new packaging system and programming language comes along. This is the repository namespace as a virtual landgrab, enabling open source as corporate recruitment tool: you should hire me, you’ve heard of me because I wrote the language-your-programmers-use version of library-your-programmers-use.
How much free or open source software is just plain difficult, due to accidental rather than essential complexity? Developers will probably have all sorts of (developer tools) examples here, like GNU autoconf. I find it very hard to make a nice-looking document using open source tools, too. I’ve put enough effort into learning emacs and LaTeX to get somewhat proficient, but still spend a lot of time looking up TeX syntax and getting it wrong. And making (hopefully nice-looking) documents is something I do fairly frequently.
And I’m playing this game on the easy setting. I’ve got years of experience trying to make software work. I am willing (and often paid) to put time into understanding why software doesn’t do what I want. I speak English, the home language of much software, and can use a screen and keyboard without difficulty.
A free software movement in which Freedom 0 is replaced by Empowerment 0 would make getting, trying, and adopting free software trivial. Much simpler than an app store, which has the necessary gatekeeper of payments.
Access to the source is a precondition for this. Also, the source being in a readily comprehensible format, amenable to experimentation and adaptation are preconditions. It needs to be possible for a finance person, not a computer person, to look at a finance application like GNUcash, understand its model of finance, and adapt it to their model of finance.
This means elevating automated testing from a thing that developers claim they do sometimes, to the principal mode of hypothesis-driven change in software. Remember when Dan North said that Cucumber would allow business analysts and developers to collaborate on writing the tests? That, but collaborating on writing the software. Currently modes of software development, including free and open source software, are predicated on the division of society into three classes: “developers” who make software, “the business” who sponsor software making, and “users” who do whatever it is they do. An enabling free software movement would erase these distinctions, because it would give the ability (not merely the freedom) to study and change the software to anyone who wanted or needed it.
Software developed with this in mind would have – nay, require – a very clear architecture. If you want a finance person to critique the finance model used in a finance application, everything needs to scream finance. It needs to stop screaming model, view, controller, or memory management, or database transaction, and start shouting credit, debit, accounts receivable.
That doesn’t mean that there isn’t space for experts in memory management or database transactions, but it does mean that you can understand a music score pagesetting application to the point where you can improve its representation of Klezmer modes without needing to understand memory management or database transactions.
An enabling free software movement would make it easy for me to package my computer, or a part of it, and send it to someone else: “here, I find this useful, you give it a go”. So I don’t have to grub around (pardon the pun) for whatever guix, apt, yum, pkcon, brew, pkg or whatever command I had to run to make the software work and tell that person to run the same command, hoping it works. I just give them the thing, and they use it.
Currently there is a blessed edifice, called “upstream”, the fount of all that is good in software. Any corporate programmer who wants to juice their proprietary github profile longs for their “requests” to be “pulled” by upstream, so that all of those other programmers who are in thrall to upstream finally get to see the fruits of this individual’s labour.
It feels weird to say this in 2020, when the idea was presented as fait accompli in 1997, but an enabling open source software movement would operate more like a bazaar than a cathedral. There wouldn’t be an “upstream”, there would be different people who all had the version of the software that worked best for them. It would be easy to evaluate, compare, combine and modify versions, so that the version you end up with is the one that works best for you, too.
The combination of these powers points to an open source software movement that erases power dynamics implicit and explicit in our current modes of producing software. It’s as easy for someone who understands the domain of a software system to acquire, understand, improve and share that system as it is for someone who understands the computer it runs on. The infinite malleability of software is deployed to allow people, teams and communities to produce and share their own versions that work best for them.
The antagonism between “the developers” and “the business” documented in the principles behind the agile manifesto is left to commercial software companies. Users, developers, and sponsors are on the same team, and produce software that works better for them than if they worked in other ways.
In the world of free software, it’s good to appropriately credit contributors to your community for the work they do.
makes this hard when you pair program. I was at a hackathon recently, and while I didn’t make a single commit, I sat next to a lot of other people who made plenty of commits based on conversations we had, and suggested a lot of things to try to debug problems, and invented solutions that made it into those commits. No highly-nutritious green squares in github for me, no external evidence that I had contributed two days of my time to these free software projects.
When I pair, if I’m committing, I make sure that I acknowledge the contribution my pair makes as equal to my own. In the github UI, it looks like this. You can see that both of us contributed to the commit.
How do I do this? I commit like this:
git commit -m 'We fixed this thing' --author 'Jennifer H. Pair <>'
Now both accounts are linked in the UI, because I’m the committer and my pair is the author. This isn’t perfect, because github doesn’t acknowledge the author in their contribution graph, only the committer. If there’s a more egalitarian way to acknowledge my pair I’d want to follow that, but for the moment I’m happy to at least demonstrate that they authored the change I typed into a text editor.
It’s common in our cooler-than-Agile, post-Agile community to say that Agile teams who “didn’t get it” eschewed good existing practices in their rush to adopt new ways of thinking. We don’t need UML, we’re Agile! Working software over comprehensive documentation!
This short post is a reminder that it ran both ways, and that people used to the earlier ways of thinking also eschewed integrating their tools into the Agile methodology. We don’t need Agile, we’re Model-Driven! Here’s an excerpt from 2004’s UML 2 Toolkit:
Certain object-oriented methods on the market today, such as The Unified Process, might be considered processes. However, other lightweight methods, such as Extreme Programming (XP), are not robust enough to be considered oricesses in the way we use the term here. Although they provide a valuable set of interrelated techniques, they are often referred to as “small m methodologies” rather than as software-engineering processes.
This is in the context of saying that UML supports software-engineering processes in which a sequence of activities produce “documentation…about the system being built” and “a product that solves the initial problems is introduced and delivered”. So XP is not robust enough at doing those things for UML advocates to advocate UML in the context of XP.
So it’s not just that Agilistas abandoned existing practices, but there’s an extent to which existing practitioners abandoned Agilistas too.