Subatomic Chocolate

This started out as a toot thread, but “threaded tooting is tedious for everybody involved” so here’s the single post that thread should have been.

The “Electron vs. native” debate doesn’t make much sense. I feel like I’ve been here before:

Somehow those of us who had chosen a different programming language knew that we were better at writing software; much better than those clowns who just made the most successful office suite ever, the most successful picture editing app ever, or the most successful video player ever. Because we’d taken advice on how to write software from a company that was 90 days away from bankruptcy and had proven incapable of executing on software development, we were awesome and the people who were making the shittons of money on the most popular software of all time were clueless idiots.

Some things to ponder but avoid for the moment:

  • why are those the only choices? If I write a Java SWT app with Windows native components on Windows, and Mac native components on Mac, is that native because I’m using the native widget toolkit or not, because I’m using Java? If it is not, is it “Electron”?
  • where is the boundary of native? AppKit is written in Objective-C, so am I using some unholy abomination of an RMI bridge if I write AppKit software using AppKit APIs but a different programming language, like Swift?

It seems clear that people who believe there is a correct answer to “Electron vs. native” are either native app developers or Electron app developers. We can therefore expect them to have some emotional investment (I have decided to build my career doing this, please do not tell me that I’m wrong) and to be seeking truths that support their existing positions. Indeed, if you are on one side of this debate then the other side is not even wrong because the two positions compare incompatible facts.

Pro-Electron: the tools are better/easier/more familiar/JavaScript

Most to all of these things are true, in a lot of cases. As a seasoned “native” app developer, with some tiny amount of JavaScript experience, I can build a thing very quickly in JS (with a GUI in React or React Native, I haven’t tried Electron) that still takes me a long time in a “native” toolkit, both the ones I’m comfortable with and the ones I’m unfamiliar with but download and try things out in.

Now that should be disturbing to any company who builds a “native” platform, and who thinks that developers are key to their success. If someone with nearly two decades of using your thing can be faster at using someone else’s thing within under a year of learning that thing, there is something you need to be learning very quickly about the way the other thing works and how to bring that advantage to your thing, otherwise everything will be made out of the other thing soon and you’d better hope they keep making it work on your thing.

Actually, having said that this argument is true, it’s not true at all. The tools in JS-land are execrable. Bear in mind that the JSVM (we used to call it a “browser”) is a high-performance code environment with live code loading, reflection and self-modifying capabilities; it’s disappointing that the popular developer environments are text editors with syntax highlighting and an integrated terminal window. “Live” code loading is replaced with using Watchman to wait for some files to change, then kicking off some baroque house of cards that turns those files from my house blend of JS into your house blend of JS, then reloading the whole shebang.

Actually, having said that this argument is true and false, it’s not even relevant at all. The developers are the highly-paid people whose job it is to solve the problems for everybody else, why are we making their lives easier, not everybody else’s?

Pro-“native”: the apps are more efficient/consistent

Both of these things are true, in a lot of cases. A “native” application just needs to link the system widget set (which, if your platform supports efficient memory management, is loaded anyway by some first-party tool) and run its code. It will automatically get things that look and behave like the rest of the applications on the platform.

Actually, having said that this argument is true, it’s not true at all. The “native” tools are based on a lot of low-level abstractions (like threads or operations), that are hard to use correctly; rather than rely on an existing solution (remember there’s no npm for “native”, and the supposed equivalent has nowhere near as much coverage) developers are likely to try building their own use of these primitives, with inefficiencies resulting. The “native” look and feel of the components can and will be readily customised to fit branding guidelines, and besides as the look and feel is the platform vendor’s key differentiator they’ve moved things around every release so an app that behaved “consistently” on the last version looks out of place (deliberately, so that developers are “encouraged” to adopt the new platform features) this year.

Actually, having said that this argument is true and false, it’s not even relevant at all. The computer is there as a substrate for a thing that solves somebody’s problem, so as long as the problem is solved and the solution fits on their computer, isn’t the problem solved? And as for “consistency”, the basic tenets of these desktop “native” experiences were carved out three decades ago, before almost all experience with and research into desktop computer interaction. Why aim for consistency with an approach that was decided before we knew what did or didn’t work properly?

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What’s better than semver?

Many software libraries are released with version “numbers” that follow a scheme called Semantic Versioning. A semantic version is three numbers separated by dots, of the form x.y.z, where:

  • if x is zero, all bets are off. Otherwise;
  • z increments “if only backwards compatible bug fixes are introduced. A bug fix is defined as an internal change that fixes incorrect behavior.”

Problem one: there is no such thing as an “internal change that fixes incorrect behavior” that is “backwards compatible”. If a library has a function f() in its public API, I could be relying on any observable behaviour of f() (potentially but pathologically including its running time or memory use, but here I’ll only consider return values or environment changes for given inputs).

If they “fix” “incorrect” behaviour, the library maintainers may have broken the package for me. I would need a comprehensive collection of contract or integration tests to know that I can still use version x.y.z' if version x.y.z was working for me. This is the worst situation, because the API looks like it hasn’t changed: all of the places where I call functions or create objects still do something, they just might not do the right thing any more.

Problem two: as I relaxed the dependency on running time or memory use, a refactoring could represent a non-breaking change. Semver has nowhere to record truly backwards compatible changes, because bugfixes are erroneously considered backwards compatible

  • y increments “if new, backwards compatible functionality is introduced to the public API”.

This is fine. I get new stuff that I’m not (currently) using, but you haven’t broken anything I do use.

Problem three: an increment to y “MAY include patch level changes”. So I can’t just quietly take in the new functionality and decide whether I need it on my own time, because the library maintainers have rolled in all of their supposedly-backwards-compatible-but-not-really changes so I still don’t know whether this version works for me.

  • x increments “if any backwards incompatible changes are introduced to the public API”.

Problem four: I’m not looking at the same library any more. It has the same name, but it could be completely rewritten, have any number of internal behaviour changes, and any number of external interface changes. It might not do what I want any more, or might do it in a way that doesn’t suit the needs of my application.

On the plus side

The dots are fine. I’m happy with the dots. Please do not feel the need to leave a comment if you are unhappy with the dots or can come up with some contrived reason why “dots are harmful”, as I don’t care.

Better: meaningful versioning

I would prefer to use a version scheme that looks like z.w.y:

  • y has the meaning it does in semver, except that it MUST NOT include patch level changes. If a package maintainer has added new things or deprecated (but not removed) old things, then I can use the package still.
  • z has the meaning it does in semver, except that we stop pretending that bug fixes can be backwards compatible.
  • w is incremented if non-behavioural changes are implemented; for example if internals are refactored, caches are introduced or removed, or private data structures are changed. These are changes that probably mean I can use the package still, but if I needed particular performance attributes from the library then it is on me to discover whether the new version still meets my needs.

There is no room for x in this scheme. If a maintainer wants to write a new, incompatible library, they can use a new name.

Different: don’t use versions

This is more work for me, but less work for the package maintainer. If they are maintaining a change log (which they are, as they are using version control) and perhaps a medium for announcing important changes including security and bug fixes and new features, then I can pick the commit that I discover does what I need. I can maintain my own tree (and should be anyway, in case the maintainer decides to delete their upstream repo) and can cheery pick the changes that are useful for me, leaving out the ones that are harmful for me.

This is more work for me than the z.w.y scheme because now I have to understand the impact of each change. It is the same amount of work as the semver x.y.z scheme, because then I had to understand the impact of each change too, as changes to any of the three version component could potentially include supposedly-backwards-compatible-but-not-really changes.

Posted in software-engineering | 4 Comments

What Lenin taught me about software movements

In What is to be done?: Burning Questions of our Movement, Lenin lists four roles who contribute to fomenting revolution – the theoreticians, the propagandists, the agitators, and the organisers:

The theoreticians write research works on tariff policy, with the “call”, say, to struggle for commercial treaties and for Free Trade. The propagandist does the same thing in the periodical press, and the agitator in public speeches. At the present time [1901], the “concrete action” of the masses takes the form of signing petitions to the Reichstag against raising the corn duties. The call for this action comes indirectly from the theoreticians, the propagandists, and the agitators, and, directly, from the workers who take the petition lists to the factories and to private homes for the gathering of signatures.

Then later:

We said that a Social Democrat, if he really believes it necessary to develop comprehensively the political consciousness of the proletariat, must “go among all classes of the population”. This gives rise to the questions: how is this to be done? have we enough forces to do this? is there a basis for such work among all the other classes? will this not mean a retreat, or lead to a retreat, from the class point of view? Let us deal with these questions.

We must “go among all classes of the population” as theoreticians, as propagandists, as agitators, and as organisers.

Side note for Humpty-Dumpties: In this post I’m going to use “propaganda” in its current dictionary meaning as a collection of messages intended to influence opinions or behaviour. I do not mean the pejorative interpretation, somebody else’s propaganda that I disagree with. Some of the messages and calls below I agree with, others I do not.

Given this tool for understanding a movement, we can see it at work in the software industry. We can see, for example, that the Free Software Foundation has a core of theoreticians, a Campaigns Team that builds propaganda for distribution, and an annual conference at which agitators talk, and organisers network. In this example, we discover that a single person can take on multiple roles: that RMS is a theoretician, a some-time propagandist, and an agitator. But we also find the movement big enough to support a person taking a single role: the FSF staff roster lists people who are purely propagandists or purely theoreticians.

A corporate marketing machine is not too dissimilar from a social movement: the theory behind, say, Microsoft’s engine is that Microsoft products will be advantageous for you to use. The “call” is that you should buy into their platform. The propaganda is the MSDN, their ads, their blogs, case studies and white papers and so on. The agitators are developer relations, executives, external MVPs and partners who go on the conference, executive briefing days, tech tours and so on. The organisers are the account managers, the CTOs who convince their teams into making the switch, the developers who make proofs-of-concept to get their peers to adopt the technology, and so on. Substitute “Microsoft” for any other successful technology company and the same holds there.

We can also look to (real or perceived) dysfunction in a movement and see whether our model helps us to see what is wrong. A keen interest of mine is in identifying software movements where “as practised” differs from “as described”. We can now see that this means the action being taken (and led by the organisers) is disconnected from the actions laid out by the theorists.

I have already written that the case with OOP is that the theory changed; “thinking about your software in this way will help you model larger systems and understand your solutions” was turned by the object technologists into “buying our object technology is an easy way to achieve buzzword compliance”. We can see similar things happening now, with “machine learning” and “serverless” being hollowed out to fill with product.

On the other hand, while OOP and machine learning have mutated theories, the Agile movement seems to suffer from a theory gap. Everybody wants to be Agile or to do Agile, all of the change agents and consultants want to tell us to be Agile or to do Agile, but why does this now mean Dark Scrum? A clue from Ron Jeffries’ post:

But there is a connection between the 17 old men who had a meeting in Snowbird, and the poor devils working in the code mines of insurance companies in Ohio, suffering under the heel of the boot of the draconian sons of expletives who imposed a bastardized version of something called Scrum on them. We started this thing and we should at least feel sad that it has sometimes gone so far off the rails. And we should do what we can to keep it from going more off the rails, and to help some people get back on the rails.

Imagine if Karl Marx had written Capital: Critique of Political Economy, then waited eighty years, then said “oh hi, that thing Josef Stalin is doing with the gulags and the exterminations and silencing the opposition, that’s not what I had in mind, and I feel sad”. Well Agile has not gone so far off the rails as that, and has only had twenty years to do it, but the analogy is in the theory being “baked” at some moment, and the world continuing to change. Who are the current theorists advancing Agile “as practised” (or at least the version “as described” that a movement is taking out to change the practice)? Where are the theoreticians who are themselves Embracing Change? It seems to me that we had the formation of the theory in XP, the crystallisation (pardon the pun) of the theory and the call to action in the Agile manifesto, then the project management bit got firmed up in the Declaration of Interdependence, and now Agile is going round in circles with its tiller still set on the Project Management setting.

Well, one post-Agile more-Agile-than-thou movement for the avocado on toast generation is the Software Craft[person]ship movement, which definitely has theory and a call to action (Software Craftsmanship: the New Imperative, which is only a scratch newer than the Agile Manifesto), definitely has vocal propagandists and agitators, and yet still doesn’t seem to be sweeping the industry. Maybe it is, and I just don’t see it. Maybe there’s no clear role for organisers. Maybe the call to action isn’t one that people care about. Maybe the propaganda is not very engaging.

Anyway, Lenin gave me an interesting model.

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Why inheritance never made any sense

There are three different types of inheritance going on.

  1. Ontological inheritance is about specialisation: this thing is a specific variety of that thing (a football is a sphere and it has this radius)
  2. Abstract data type inheritance is about substitution: this thing behaves in all the ways that thing does and has this behaviour (this is the Liskov substitution principle)
  3. Implementation inheritance is about code sharing: this thing takes some of the properties of that thing and overrides or augments them in this way. The inheritance in my post On Inheritance is this type and only this type of inheritance.

These are three different, and frequently irreconcilable, relationships. Requiring any, or even all, of them, presents no difficulty. However, requiring one mechanism support any two or more of them is asking for trouble.

A common counterexample to OO inheritance is the relationship between a square and a rectangle. Geometrically, a square is a specialisation of a rectangle: every square is a rectangle, not every rectangle is a square. For all s in Squares, s is a Rectangle and width of s is equal to height of s. As a type, this relationship is reversed: you can use a rectangle everywhere you can use a square (by having a rectangle with the same width and height), but you cannot use a square everywhere you can use a rectangle (for example, you can’t give it a different width and height).

Notice that this is incompatibility between the inheritance directions of the geometric properties and the abstract data type properties of squares and rectangles; two dimensions which are completely unrelated to each other and indeed to any form of software implementation. We have so far said nothing about implementation inheritance, so haven’t even considered writing software.

Smalltalk and many later languages use single inheritance for implementation inheritance, because multiple inheritance is incompatible with the goal of implementation inheritance due to the diamond problem (traits provide a reliable way for the incompatibility to manifest, and leave resolution as an exercise to the reader). On the other hand, single inheritance is incompatible with ontological inheritance, as a square is both a rectangle and an equilateral polygon.

The Smalltalk blue book describes inheritance solely in terms of implementation inheritance:

A subclass specifies that its instances will be the same as instances of another class, called its superclass, except for the differences that are explicitly stated.

Notice what is missing: no mention that a subclass instance must be able to replace a superclass instance everywhere in a program; no mention that a subclass instance must satisfy all conceptual tests for an instance of its superclass.

Inheritance was never a problem: trying to use the same tree for three different concepts was the problem.

“Favour composition over inheritance” is basically giving up on implementation inheritance. We can’t work out how to make it work, so we’ll avoid it: get implementation sharing by delegation instead of by subclassing.

Eiffel, and particular disciplined approaches to using languages like Java, tighten up the “inheritance is subtyping” relationship by relaxing the “inheritance is re-use” relationship (if the same method appears twice in unrelated parts of the tree, you have to live with it, in order to retain the property that every subclass is a subtype of its parent). This is fine, as long as you don’t try to also model the problem domain using the inheritance tree, but much of the OO literature recommends that you do by talking about domain-driven design.

Traits approaches tighten up the “inheritance is specialisation” relationship by relaxing the “inheritance is re-use” relationship (if two super categories both provide the same property of an instance of a category, neither is provided and you have to write it yourself). This is fine, as long as you don’t try to also treat subclasses as covariant subtypes of their superclasses, but much of the OO literature recommends that you do by talking about Liskov Substitution Principle and how a type in a method signature means that type or any subclass.

What the literature should do, I believe, is say “here are the three types of inheritance, focus on any one of them at a time”. I also believe that the languages should support that (obviously Smalltalk, Ruby and friends do support that by not having any type constraints).

  • If I’m using inheritance as a code sharing tool, it should not be assumed that my subclasses are also subtypes.
  • If I am using subtypes to tighten up interface contracts, I should be not only allowed to mark a class anywhere in the tree as a subtype of another class anywhere in the tree, but required to do so: once again, it should not be assumed that my subclasses are also subtypes.
  • If I need to indicate conceptual specialisation via classes, this should also not be assumed to follow the inheritance tree. I should be not only allowed to mark a class anywhere in the tree as a subset of another class, but required to do so: once again, it should not be assumed that my subclasses are also specialisations.

Your domain model is not your object model. Your domain model is not your abstract data type model. Your object model is not your abstract data type model.

Now inheritance is easy again.

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In defense of `id`

Something you can’t see about my dotSwift talk on OOP in FP in Swift is that to make the conference more interesting while the AV was set up for the next speaker, Daniel Steinberg invited me over to a side table for a question and answer session. He had some great questions and I had some adequate answers; that is now lost to time.

One thing he asked was about how I do things differently when I’m working in Objective-C and in Swift, and I mentioned that I tend not to use the type system in ObjC and just call all of my variables id unless they are C types or the compiler asks otherwise. You can see an example of this in my UIKonf 1995 talk.

I argue (back in 2018, at dotSwift, in the bit that was videoed) that all objects have the same type. Just as I can define the “type” Set through its function signature:

typealias Set<T> = (T) -> Bool

so I can define the “type” object through its function signature. An object – any object – is a function that responds to messages by turning selectors into methods:

typealias Object = (Selector) -> IMP

Now if all objects have the same type, why would I want to use different types for different objects?

Of course, there are reasons to want to refine the definition of an object from “any object” to “an object like this”, but these refinements are inaccessible using Objective-C’s type system (or Java’s, or Swift’s, or most other programming languages). Any object responds to any message, but for the most part they respond by doing whatever the default error-raising behaviour is which is not particularly interesting and doesn’t solve your customer’s problem. So what we want to be able to say is “this object is one that responds to a particular collection of messages in a way that is what I need here”.

We have two tools available to us, and neither gives us an answer to that question. The first is the protocol (or Java interface): we can say “this object is one that has implementations of methods for a particular collection of messages”. That’s not the same as the question we want to answer – it says nothing about whether the object responds in the ways we want. It’s also not generally the correct answer – an object that has the methods we want and behaves in the expected way but that didn’t have the protocol conformance recorded at compile time (even if it conformsToProtocol: at run time) does not satisfy the compiler type check for protocol conformance.

Even less generally useful is using the class name as the type. Classes are ways to say “here is a collection of objects that all have common behaviour and data”; well for starters I don’t care about the data, but also just because those objects have the properties I want, doesn’t mean that others outside that place in the inheritance tree don’t.

I also can’t rely on subtypes behaving as I need, but the compiler type checker will pretend that if I asked for an instance of one class, and got an instance of a subclass, then I got the thing I wanted. Inheritance, in many languages including Objective-C, Java and similar, is a way to borrow behaviour from one class in another class. If we also want refinement from inheritance we have to add a bunch of rules that almost every programming language not named after the designer of the Garabit Viaduct does not support.

So there are three imprecise ways to ask for objects by behaviour in Objective-C, and I choose the one with the least typing. Even once you amortise the cost of this blog post.

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On Inheritance

I recently had the chance to give my OOP-in-FP-in-Swift talk again in NSLondon, and was asked how to build inheritance in that object system. It’s a great question, I gave what I hope was a good answer, and it’s worth some more thought and a more coherent response.

Firstly, let’s look at the type signature for an object in this system:

typealias Object = (Selector) -> IMP

A Selector is the name of a method, and an IMP is a function1 implementing that method. But an Object is nothing more or less than a function that maps names of methods to implementations of methods. And that’s incredibly powerful, for two reasons.

Reason one: Inheritance is whatever you want it to be.

You are responsible for writing the code to look up methods, which means you get to choose how it works. If you don’t like inheritance at all, then you’re golden: each object knows its own methods and nothing else.

If you like Javascript or Self or Io, then if your object doesn’t have a method then it can send itself a proto message, and ask that object what method to use.

If you like Smalltalk or ObjC or Ruby, then you can create an object called a Class that creates objects that look up methods by asking the class what methods to use. If the class doesn’t know, then it can ask its superclass.

If you like multiple inheritance, then give an object a list of classes/prototypes instead of a single one.

If you’ve got some other idea, build it! Maybe you always thought classification should be based on higher-order logic; well here’s your chance.

(By the way, if you want to do this, you would be well-off defining a convention where methods all take a parameter that can be bound to the receiver: call it this or self for example. Then when you’re deep in inheritance-land, but you want to send a message to self, you still have a reference to it.)

Reason two: Inheritance is whatever you want it to be at each point.

A failing common to all of the object systems named above (as a reminder, that’s Javascript, Self, Io, Smalltalk, ObjC, Ruby) is that they force you to work with a single object paradigm. If these things naturally follow a singly-inherited classification scheme, but those things can be better described as deviations from a common prototype, well, sorry, but you’ve got to pick one and contort it to fit both situations.

If an object is any arbitrary code that finds a method, then you can build whichever model is most appropriate at the point of use. You can mix and match. The core philosophy at a code level is that objects are just loosely-coupled functions. From a conceptual level that’s incredibly powerful: such loose coupling means that you aren’t forced to make assumptions about how objects are constructed, or glued together. You just use them.

  1. actually a closure, which is even more useful, but that’s not important right now. 

Posted in OOP, Talk | 1 Comment

How retrospectives ban shoes

At the end of each sprint, we hold a retrospective. The book “Agile Coaching” by Rachel Davies and Liz Sedley says:

An iteration retrospective should help the team explore the following:

  • What insights do they have from the last iteration?
  • What areas do they want to focus on improving?
  • What ideas can they act on in the next iteration?

Take this too literally, and you end up adding the thing next time that stops you getting wrong the mistake from this time. “That time, the explosive was hidden in a shoe, so let’s add shoes to the list of banned items.”

What if it was just a mistake? Do you need to change the way you do everything to fix a problem you encountered once?

Retrospectives need to take a longer-term view. How are we doing, and how specifically did that change this sprint? Do we need to change how we do all of our tasks because it didn’t work for that one task? How many hundreds of tasks has our process worked for?

I discussed this with Steven Baker who described a team where the retrospective facilitator kept a risk register across multiple sprints. Yes, this thing happened and it was bad, but how bad? How often has it happened before? How likely is it to happen again? How bad would it be if it does?

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No True Humpty-Dumpty

Words change meaning.

Technical words change meaning.

Sometimes, you need to check out a specific commit of a word’s meaning from the version control, to add context to a statement.

“I’m talking about Open Source in its early meaning of Free Software without the confusion over Free, not its later meaning as an ethically empty publication of source code.”

“I mean Object-Oriented Programming as the loosely-defined bucket in which I can put all the ills of software that I’m claiming are solved by Haskell, not the earlier sense of modelling business processes in software with loosely-coupled active programs communicating by sending messages.”

“The word Agile here refers to the later sense of Agile where I run a waterfall with frequent checkpoints and get a certification from a project management institute.”

The problem is that doing so acts as a thought-terminating cliche to people who are not open to hearing a potentially valuable statement about Open Source, Object-Oriented Programming, or Agile development.

If your commit is too early in history, then you can easily be dismissed as etymologically fallacious, or as somebody who won’t accept progress and the glorious devaluation of the word you’re trying to use.

If your commit is too recent in history, then you can easily be dismissed as a Humpty-Dumptyist who’s trying to hide behind a highfalutin term that you have no right to use.

What I’ve come to realise is that my technique for dealing with people who use these rhetorical devices can be as simple as this: ignore them. If they do not want to hear, then I do not need to speak.

Posted in advancement of the self, edjercashun | Tagged | Leave a comment

It’s about the thinking

At some point in the past, programmers used to recommend drawing flowcharts before you start coding. Then they recommended creating CRC cards, or acting through how the turtle will behave, or writing failing tests, or getting the types to match up, or designing contracts, or writing proofs, but the point is that in each case they’re there for eliciting thought before the code gets laid down.

None of these things is mutually exclusive, none of these things is the one true way, but the fact that they all isolate some part of solving the problem from some part of coding the solution is the telling point. The problem is not having the correct type system or test coverage or diagram format, the problem is trying to work in two (or more) levels of abstraction – the problem domain and the computer – at the same time.

Posted in architecture of sorts | Tagged | 1 Comment

There is no browser, only Zuul

My short-lived first plan for a career was in Physics. That’s what my first degree was in, but I graduated with the career goal “do something that isn’t a D.Phil. in Physics” in mind. I’d got on quite well with computers as a hobbyist, and the computing and electronics practicals in my course labs. A job as systems administrator for those very systems (a hotchpotch of NeXTSTEP, Solaris, OpenBSD, and Mac OS X) came up at the time that I graduated so I applied, got it, and became a computerer.

Along the way, I met people who thought that some people should not be computerers because their backgrounds were not exactly identical. The Google manager who could not believe that as an applicant for the lowest-grade QA role, I had not encountered the travelling salesman problem. The software engineer at Facebook who was incensed that someone applying to build a web application in PHP and Javascript did not know that there are eight bits in a byte (never mind that there aren’t, necessarily, eight bits in a byte). And now the random on Twitter who insists that people who don’t fully know browsers aren’t allowed to write web applications.

It’s easy to forget two things: the first is that at some point in the past, you didn’t know what you know now, but you learnt it because you were allowed to participate and were taught. Even if you think you were a self-learner, you had access to playground materials, books, tutorials, online documentation…and someone made those for you and allowed you to use them.

The second is what it was like not to know those things. I remember not understanding how OOP was anything more than putting dots in the name of your function, but now I understand it differently, and don’t know what the thing was that changed.

The second of these things shows how easy it is to be the gatekeeper. If you don’t remember what not understanding something was like, then maybe it came naturally, and if it isn’t coming naturally to someone else well maybe they just don’t get it. But the first shows that you didn’t get it, and yet here you are.

When faced with a gatekeeper, I usually react flippantly. Because of my Physics background, I explain, I know how quantum physics works, and how that enables semiconductors, and how to build a semiconductor transistor, then a NAND gate, then a processor, and basically what I’m saying is I don’t see how anyone who doesn’t know that stuff can claim to know computers at all.

But what I say to everyone else is “this stuff is really interesting, let me show it to you“.

Be the keymaster, not the gatekeeper.

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