
Sadly it’s not called Schoenfinkeling, but that’s the name of the
person who noticed that there’s no reason to ever have a function with
more than one argument. What you think is a function with two
arguments is actually a function with one argument that returns a
function with one argument, this second function closing over the
first argument and acting perhaps on both.

This is, of course, famed for its application (pardon the pun) to Object-Oriented
Programming. We can take a class like this:

@interface NamePrinter : Curryable

- (void)printFirstName:(NSString *)first surname:(NSString *)last;
- (void)printFirstName:(NSString *)first age:(NSInteger)age;
- (void)printFirstName:(NSString *)first middle:(NSString *)middle surname:(NSString *)last;


and use it like this:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  @autoreleasepool {
    id printer = [[NamePrinter new] autorelease];
    id curried = [printer printFirstName:@"Graham"];
    [curried surname:@"Lee"];
    [curried surname:@"Greene"];
    [curried surname:@"Garden"];
    [curried age:18];

    id alex = [printer printFirstName:@"Alexander"];
    id alexG = [alex middle:@"Graham"];
    [alexG surname:@"Bell"];

(your compiler probably complains at this point that it doesn’t know
what you’re up to. Of course, you know better.)

We’ll get results like this:

2015-02-13 00:57:57.421 CurrySauce[41877:134228] Graham Lee
2015-02-13 00:57:57.421 CurrySauce[41877:134228] Graham Greene
2015-02-13 00:57:57.421 CurrySauce[41877:134228] Graham Garden
2015-02-13 00:57:57.422 CurrySauce[41877:134228] Graham is 18 years old
2015-02-13 00:57:57.422 CurrySauce[41877:134228] Alexander Graham Bell

OK, we don’t actually get that for free. There’s some secret sauce I
haven’t shown you: secret curry sauce.

Here be dragons

As with
all the best bits of Objective-C,
you need to turn off the automatic reference counting to do what
follows (you’ll have already seen a call to -autorelease above). ARC
works wonders when you try to write Java in Objective-C, give or take
the strong-weak-strong tango. It isn’t so helpful when you try to
write Objective-C in Objective-C.

Partial application

The NamePrinter class knows that you might call it with a partial
application, so it checks whether the selector you sent in your
message matches the prefix of any method it knows. If it does, and the
return type and argument types in this prefix can be uniquely
determined, then it creates a proxy to listen for the rest of the

The restrictions on types are there due to the way that Objective-C
deals with C types in message sending. It’d be a lot easier to do this
in Ruby or Smalltalk, where everything is an object reference: as
Objective-C needs to deal with C types of different sizes, you must be
able to construct a single invocation from the prefix selector.

int argumentsForSelector(SEL aSelector)
  const char *name = sel_getName(aSelector);
  int count = 0;
  while(*name != '\0') {
    if (*name++ == ':') {
  return count;

@implementation Curryable

- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector
  NSMethodSignature *superSignature = [super methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
  if (superSignature) {
    return superSignature;
  NSString *thisSelectorName = NSStringFromSelector(aSelector);
  NSMutableSet *signatures = [NSMutableSet set];
  int argCount = argumentsForSelector(aSelector);
  Class currentClass = [self class];
  while (currentClass != Nil) {
    unsigned int methodCount = 0;
    Method *methodList = class_copyMethodList(currentClass, &methodCount);
    for (int i = 0; i < methodCount; i++) {
      Method method = methodList[i];
      SEL anotherSelector = method_getName(method);
      NSString *selectorName = NSStringFromSelector(anotherSelector);
      if ([selectorName hasPrefix:thisSelectorName]) {
        NSMethodSignature *fullSignature = [self methodSignatureForSelector:anotherSelector];
        NSMutableString *constructedTypeSignature = [[@"@@:" mutableCopy] autorelease];
        for (int j = 2; j < argCount + 2; j++) {
          [constructedTypeSignature appendString:@([fullSignature getArgumentTypeAtIndex:j])];
        [signatures addObject:[[constructedTypeSignature copy] autorelease]];
    currentClass = class_getSuperclass(currentClass);
  if ([signatures count] != 1) {
    NSLog(@"curried selector does not uniquely match the type of any full selector prefix");
    return nil;
  return [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes:[[signatures anyObject] UTF8String]];

- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation
  id curry = [CurrySauce curryTarget:self invocation:anInvocation];
  [anInvocation setReturnValue:&curry];


All of that, just to return a proxy object.

Finish the application

This proxy also responds to unknown selectors, by trying to tack
them onto the end of the partially-applied selector. If that works,
and it ends up with a selector that the target recognises, then it
constructs the combined invocation, copies the arguments from the two
partial invocations, and invokes it on the target. If the combined
selector is supposed to return something then this proxy unpacks the
return value and puts it into the invocation it received, to ensure
that the caller picks it up.

SEL concatenateSelectors(SEL firstSelector, SEL secondSelector)
  NSString *firstPart = NSStringFromSelector(firstSelector);
  NSString *selectorName = [firstPart stringByAppendingString:NSStringFromSelector(secondSelector)];
  return NSSelectorFromString(selectorName);

@implementation CurrySauce
  id target;
  NSInvocation *invocation;

-initWithTarget:object invocation:(NSInvocation *)partialApplication
  target = [object retain];
  invocation = [partialApplication retain];
  return self;

+curryTarget:object invocation:(NSInvocation *)partialApplication
  return [[[self alloc] initWithTarget:object invocation:partialApplication] autorelease];

- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector
  //special case for respondsToSelector
  if (aSelector == @selector(respondsToSelector:)) {
    return [target methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
  SEL combinedSelector = concatenateSelectors([invocation selector], aSelector);
  NSMethodSignature *combinedSignature = [target methodSignatureForSelector:combinedSelector];
  if (combinedSignature != nil) {
    NSMutableString *completionType = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:@"%s@:",[combinedSignature methodReturnType]];
    for (int i = argumentsForSelector([invocation selector]) + 2; i < argumentsForSelector(combinedSelector) + 2; i++) {
      [completionType appendFormat:@"%s",[combinedSignature getArgumentTypeAtIndex:i]];
    return [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes:[completionType UTF8String]];
  } else {
    return nil;

- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation
  if ([anInvocation selector] == @selector(respondsToSelector:)) {
    [anInvocation invokeWithTarget:target];
  SEL realSelector = concatenateSelectors([invocation selector], [anInvocation selector]);
  NSMethodSignature *signature = [target methodSignatureForSelector:realSelector];
  NSInvocation *combined = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature];
  int argumentToSet = 2;
  void *argBuffer = malloc([[invocation methodSignature] frameLength]);
  for (int i = 2; i < [[invocation methodSignature] numberOfArguments]; i++) {
    [invocation getArgument:argBuffer atIndex:i];
    [combined setArgument:argBuffer atIndex:argumentToSet++];
  argBuffer = malloc([[anInvocation methodSignature] frameLength]);
  for (int i = 2; i < [[anInvocation methodSignature] numberOfArguments]; i++) {
    [anInvocation getArgument:argBuffer atIndex:i];
    [combined setArgument:argBuffer atIndex:argumentToSet++];

  [combined setTarget:target];
  [combined setSelector:realSelector];
  [combined invoke];
  if (strcmp([[combined methodSignature] methodReturnType], "v")) {
    void *returnBuffer = malloc([[combined methodSignature] methodReturnLength]);
    [combined getReturnValue:returnBuffer];
    [anInvocation setReturnValue:returnBuffer];

- (void)dealloc
  [target release];
  [invocation release];
  [super dealloc];



Blah blah awesome power of the runtime, I suppose. It’s pretty cool
that you can do this sort of thing in 150 lines of ObjC. I doubt many
people would want to use it for reals though.

Posted in code-level, Foundation, OOP | 1 Comment

A subtle [mis]understanding of monads

As I said when talking about Learning Phases, one of the things that happens when I’m trying to learn a new thing is that I build an analogy in terms of something I do understand. This can be dangerous when the analogy is wrong. I’m currently hanging on to the analogy that follows, so I’m publishing it as a straw man argument in the hope that those with more experience than me can critique it and help improve my understanding.

Proposition: Monads are what objects are supposed to look like

Throw away everything you know about Object-Oriented programming, particularly if you know Objective-C, Java, C++ or C#. Now go and read the first edition (the straightforward one, not the detective-novel second edition) of Object-Oriented Software Construction by Bertrand Meyer. You’ll find the principle of Command-Query Separation, that an object’s interface should provide distinct facilities for manipulating and investigating that object. Consider an object as an enclosed module analogous to an electronic circuit[*], with switches you can flip and lights you can observe. Watching a light shouldn’t also have the effect of flipping a switch, and you shouldn’t have to flip a switch in order to watch a light.

How could a language support that principle? Clearly imperative programming is too general, as it lets me mix commands and queries in the same place. What I need is an operation that lets me bind sequential commands together, taking an object in state a and a function that turns state a into state b and creating an object in state b. I also need an operation that lets me run a query, taking an object in state a and returning a value corresponding to a. Given those, and assuming the single responsibility principle has driven me to the point where my object does one thing and can be represented by a single command and query, then the interface on my object is complete.

Interestingly and usefully, except in the (common-ish) special case where my object needs to talk to the world, objects defined in this way are completely understandable mechanistically. The same sequence of commands applied to the same constructor will always yield the same value on query.

But that is, I think, what Monads are supposed to be: things that bind commands into sequences and allow inspection at points in the sequence. As stated in this post’s preamble, I’m not fully confident of this, and may be over-applying an analogy to replace a thing I don’t understand with the comfort of the thing I do. I’d be interested in hearing informed critique on the argument.

Not the other monads

When Alan Kay said that objects are monads, he was talking about Leibniz monads as previously discussed on this blog.

[*] An analogy already present in the proceedings of _that_ 1968 NATO conference, and drawn to extremes by Brad Cox in Object-Oriented Programming: An Evolutionary Approach.


The discussion among my monadically-inclined friends on Facebook indicates that this analogy is incomplete. Yes, monads can be used like that, but they need not be used like that. Counter-examples included the reverse state monad in which state flows backwards, and the TARDIS monad in which state can flow in both directions.

Posted in FP, OOP | Leave a comment

Today I learned that I don’t even know how to Unix. I discovered that it’s possible for a POSIX system to leave PATH_MAX and similar variables undefined if it truly has no restrictions on their length.

Posted on by Graham | Leave a comment

About 10 years ago, we decided that the performance gains in single-core processors that come “for free” with advancing semiconductor processes were slowing down. Many chip makers switched to scaling the number of cores on a die, and promoted parallel programming for their products.

Today I learned that the free multicore lunch is over, too. You can no longer turn on all of the transistors in a single chip, so you can no longer get 2× the threads running by doubling the number of cores in your processor.

Posted on by Graham | 4 Comments

Like Java, only functional

An idea that clarified itself to me in discussion today is that Swift is to Functional Programming as Java is to Object-Oriented Programming: it is the thing that lets you write C and pretend you’ve adopted some posh-sounding “paradigmatic” non-imperative approach to programming.

I thought this was true shortly before lunch, but now climb partway down from the high horse. Swift is to Functional Programming as Java is to Object-Oriented Programming is still true. However Swift is to C# 3.0 as Java is to Objective-C.

Posted in code-level, Java | Leave a comment

Learning phases

I’ve been trying to learn things this week (specifically Haskell). So
far I’ve been through a lot of different moods, and I thought it’d be
handy to write them down so that next time I’m the teacher I can
remember what it’s like to be on the receiving end. I’m not sure I
(and certainly not anyone else) goes through all of these every
time, nor necessarily in the same order which I can’t remember anyway.


These symbols all have no meaning to me, what is even going on here?

Atomic comprehension

If this symbol means that, and this symbol means that, then
combining these two must mean…

Holistic comprehension

OK, so this whole thing does this, which means that these parts must
somehow contribute to doing this. Let’s see…

Argument by analogy

Oh, hold on, what they’re saying is exactly like this other thing from
a different area of my experience. I’ll just pretend it’s the same for
the moment.

Paralysis of choice

I have a problem, and I’ve been given a bunch of tools, and I don’t
know which to apply.

All I have is a hammer

Well, I understood how to apply a lambda function to a collection with
map, so I’m going to contort this problem until it looks like I need
to apply a lambda function to a collection with map.

Progress by context

I have no idea what I’m supposed to do here, but I just read a section
on list comprehension so I bet I’m supposed to use [x | x <- xs]

Confusion of dissimilarity

I have no idea how to turn that map into a comprehension or vice
versa, but I was able to produce each at different times on the same

Joy of simplicity

You know what, it’s true when they say that if it type-checks, it
probably works.

Disillusion through broken dreams

Oh, off-by-one errors (and rotation of dimensions) still
type-check. This is bullshit.

Reinventing the wheel

So, I need a thing that applies this thing to all those things,
let me write a function applyFunction :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] that
gives me one of those.

Discovering existing wheels

I have a thing and I need a different thing, let me look in the API
documentation until I find the function that does exactly that.


This error makes no sense, screw the entire city of Glasgow.

Rabbit hole tangents

This error makes no sense, but those words look sufficiently rare to
shove into Google. Ooh, three blog posts, a bug report and a PhD

Trial and (type) error

This error makes no sense, but it’s telling me line 25 is wrong so
I’ll just rewrite line 25. Again. And again.

Stop! Hammock time

I have no idea how to solve this problem, but it’s
lunchtime. [Om nom nom] Ooh, this problem is trivial.

Minimum Viable Enlightenment

I don’t know what I got wrong, but based on the error message I think
I make this change…yes, that works. I don’t know what I got right.

Law of highfalutin words (I)

I wish someone could explain this to people who didn’t learn the word
“monoid” at school.

Law of highfalutin words (II)

Yes, I can help you with that problem, I just solved it myself. You
see, it becomes easier when you realise that these two things
constitute a monoid.

Posted in advancement of the self, edjercashun | 3 Comments

I’ve realised that when I read that a tool or framework is “opinionated”, I interpret that as meaning that I’m going to have to spend time on working out how to express my solution in its terms. I have enough trouble trying to work out how to express my solution in terms of my problem, so I’m probably going to avoid that tool or framework.

Posted on by Graham | 1 Comment

The Tankard Brigade

I have a guideline that seems to apply to many pursuits and hobbies: any activity can be fun until there’s too high a density of men with beards and tankards.

Of course, they aren’t all men (though many are) and don’t all have beards and tankards (though many do). But they can turn any enjoyable pastime into a maddeningly frustrating pursuit of ever-receding goals, like Zeno’s arrow approaching but never reaching its target.

Some background. For any activity there will be different levels of engagement; different extents to which once can take it seriously. For most people (apart from, in this simplified model, two people) there will be a collection of people who are less invested than they are, and a collection of people who take the pursuit more seriously.

Often, this doesn’t cause any disharmony. Some natural outgroup bias might make people believe that those who take it more seriously take themselves too seriously, and put too much effort into what should be an enjoyable way to spend one’s time. Similarly, those who take it less seriously are perhaps not really engaged with the activity, and can be a bit too frivolous. Of course the distance between my level of engagement and perception of the outgroup’s investment is decidedly non-linear: pro golfers and non-golfers do not cause as much difficulty for year-round and fair-weather amateurs as these two groups cause for each other.

This is all largely harmless snobbery and joshing until the men with beards and tankards come along. A man with a beard and a tankard (even if only figuratively a man with a figurative beard and tankard) is someone whose level of engagement with a pursuit must be the greatest of everyone in the room or online forum.

A single man with his solitary beard and tankard in a group can be harmless, endearing or slightly irritating. He will have bought the most expensive equipment available, and will gladly tell everyone who’ll listen (and many who would rahter not). He’ll explain why he got it, why it’s better, and why you simply can’t appreciate the subtleties and nuances of what you’re participating in (and apparently enjoying very well, thankyou very much) without the basic investment in a good…whatever that thing is they bought. Moreover, there’s only one way to engage in the activity, and that’s the way in which he does it. Anyone who has a different way, particularly one that invovles spending less time or money, is looked on in smiling condescenscion as one who simply doesn’t – and perhaps can’t – appreciate the craft in all its majestic glory. It might involve some eye-rolling, tutting, and perhaps a strategic choice of seat at the society Christmas dinner, but you can usually cope with one man with his beard and tankard.

Two or more, on the other hand, start to get out of hand (this one or the other one), because each wants to be at the apotheosis of his craft, neither can afford to be outdone by the other. The effect is of course an inescapable ratchet of dedication and investment, much like the ever-accelerating and ultimately ruinous cycle of gift-giving in potlatch societies. When one comes in with some new piece of kit, the other must have it or the one better than it. When one adopts some new and laborious way of interacting with the pursuit at hand, the other will immediately adopt or surpass it. Their interactions with each other are best described as ‘banter’, that particularly masculine (and indeed beard-ridden and betankarded) species of chatter that seems on the surface to be friendly ribaldry but that covers a seething and complex web of mistrust and hatred.

As I said earlier, I think that what really counts for enjoyment of a pursuit is the density of men with beards and tankards. Some activities seem able to hold at once both people with large individual investments, and a welcoming attitude toward newcomers and casual participants. Many runners and cyclists, regardless of how much they spent on their kit, will be happy with and friendly toward anyone who turns up to the same event to run or ride alongside them. The next person may be on their super-list carbon fibre frame with $5000 wheels and bespoje saddly uniquely contoured to fit their cheeks, when you turn up on the $250 bike you got in the January sales. But they’re a cyclist, and you’re a cyclist, so hey, let’s get some cycling going.

Some activities are clearly at the transition, where variations in the density of the tankard field can locally push it past the critical limit. Most motorcyclists are happy to acknowledge and welcome other bikers (though obviously not scooter riders), with a few notable exceptions. Harley riders tend to only notice other Harley riders. The extreme end of the amateur track circuit only pays attention to how much you’ve bored out your cylinders (and anyone who’ll listen) and the amount of time you spend riding a dynamometer. And that certain class of BMW rider who watched The Long Way Down can’t believe that you don’t have mud pans, GPS, and aluminium flight cases attached to your bike when you go to the corner shop for a pint of semi-skimmed. But still, most bikers accept most other bikers, and talk to them about most biking.

And then there are the activities that are forever lost to the men with beards and tankards, for which the ratchet has turned so far that even if the barrier to entry is theoretically low, the barrier to sociable entry – to engaging with the community as an equal – can be insurmountable.

Consider astronomy. It used to be that if you had some cheap army surplus binoculars, you could go along to your local astronomy society and discuss what you’d seen of the moon, the planets and some of the brighter objects in the Messier catalogue. Then, with the introduction of the charge-coupled detector, the tankard brigade arrived in force. Now people will swap photos constructed from multiple hundreds of exposures through different narrow-band filters, taken with their large reflecting telescopes with computer-controlled star drives and the latest in CCDs (all probably permanently housed in purpose-built observatories in their gardens). No multi-thousand-dollar telescope (perhaps even no garden)? Nothing to discuss.

In some circles, folk music can have a more practice-driven ratchet system. The British folk revival of the 1970s brought with it literal men with actual beards and genuine tankards who defined what folk singing was (in apparent contradiction to the idea that it should be up to the folk to decide). Now there exist folk clubs where unless you have that certain nasal folkier-than-thou timbre in your voice and practiced wobbly delivery, and unless you can remember all of the words to all twelve verses without recourse to the book, you probably shouldn’t take part.

All of this leads me to my questions. As a programmer, which of the practices I participate in are pragmatic, which necessary, and which informed by the ratchet of the men with beards and tankards? How much of what we do is determined by what others do, and must be seen to be done before we can claim we’re doing it right?

And which things? Is it the runaway complexity of type systems that’s the ratchet, or the insistence of programming without the safety net at all in a dynamic language? Or both?

My naive guess is that tankardism manifests where unnecessarily highfalutin words are deployed, like ‘paradigm’ for ‘style’ or ‘methodology’ for ‘method’. And yes, that sentence was deliberately unnecessarily highfalutin.

Posted in whatevs | Leave a comment

Some people like to refer to OS X as UNIX-like when it’s actually a UNIX. There was a time when it was UNIX-like and some people liked to refer to it as a UNIX, but it’s not now.

Posted on by Graham | Leave a comment

The other pink dollar

How did (a very broad and collective) we go from selling NeXT at $440M to selling Tumblr at $1.1B, in under two decades? Why was Sun Microsystems, one of the most technologically advanced companies in the valley, only worth two Nests?

I don’t think we’re technologists (much) any more. We’ve moved from building value by making interesting, usable and advanced technology to building value by solving problems for people and making interesting, useful and advanced experiences. The good thing about a NeXT workstation was that it was better than other workstations and minicomputers; the bad thing is that you can’t actually do a lot with a Unix workstation. You need applications, functions for turning silicon-rich paperweights into useful tools.

NeXT’s marketing was it’s easier to turn our paperweight into a tool than their paperweight, but today’s tech companies are mostly making things you can already use. The technology is a back-office function, enabling the things you can already use or working around problems the companies discovered in trying to enable those useful things. Making the paperweight with the most potential is no longer interesting to most of the industry, though there will be money in paperweights for a few years yet (even if the paperweights are becoming small enough that they can’t weigh down paper, and even if no-one has a stack of paper to weigh down any more).

Hence the current focus on “disruption”, in the Silicon Valley, not Clayton Christensen, sense. It’s easy to see how an already-solved problem can be solved faster, cheaper or better, by taking out intermediate steps or slow communications.

This is traditional science-fiction advancement. What technology do you need to get the plot moving quickly? Two people need to talk but they’re not on the same planet: you need a mobile phone. Two people need to be in the same room but they’re not on the same planet: you need a teleporter. Two people need to share the specifications of a starship but there isn’t enough paper in the universe: you need a PADD.

It’s harder to identify solutions to unsolved problems, or solutions to unknown problems. This hasn’t changed since the paperweight days, the transition has been from “well, I guess you can find some problem to solve with this workstation” to “we solved this obvious problem for you”. That’s an advance.

It really is good that we’re moving from building things that could potentially solve a problem to things that definitely do solve a problem. That’s more efficient, as fewer people are solving the same problem. Consider the difference between every company buying a Sun workstation and hiring a programmer to write a CRM application, and every company paying someone else to deliver them a CRM system.

It’s also likely the reason for the rise in open-source software, hardware, data centres and related infrastructure. Nobody’s making railroads any more, they’re making haulage companies that use railroads to solve the problem of “you’re in Chicago, Illinois but your crate full of machinery is in a port in Seattle, Washington”. There’s lots of cost in having the best rails, but questionable benefit, so why not share the blueprints for the rails so that anyone can improve them?

Well, what if it turns out that the best way to haul your goods is not on rails? If it’s easy to accept better rails, but the best solution lies in a different direction? Alan Kay would recognise this problem: everyone can see incremental improvements in the pink plane but there are magnitudes of improvements to be made by getting out into the blue plane.

How can a blue plane venture get funded, or adopted? When was the last time it happened? Is there something out there already that just needs adoption to get us onto the blue plane? Or have we set up a system that makes it easy to move quickly on the pink plane, but not to change direction to the blue plane?

Posted in Business, economics | Leave a comment