…and in the end there will be the command line.

You’re pretty happy with the car that the dealer is showing you. It looks comfortable, stylish, and has all of the features you want. There’s a lot of space in the trunk for your luggage. The independent reviews that you’ve seen agree with the marketing literature: once this vehicle gets out onto the open road, it’s nippy and agile and a joy to drive.

You can’t help but think that she isn’t being completely open with you though. To get into the roomy interior and luxurious driver’s seat, you have to climb over a huge black box, twice the height of the cabin itself and by far the longest part of the car. Not to detract from the experience, the manufacturers have put in an automatic platform that lifts you from the ground to the door and returns you gently to earth. But the box is still there.

You ask the dealer about this box, and initially she deflects your questions by talking about the excellent mileage, which is demonstrated by the SpecRoad 2000 report. Then she tells you how great the view of the road is from the high situation of the driver’s seat. Eventually, you ask enough times, and she relents.

“That’s just the starter,” she explains, fiddling with a catch on the door in the rear of the box. “It’s just used to get the petrol motor going, but you don’t need to worry about it. Well, not much.”

Finally, she frees the catch and opens the box. To your astonishment, inside the box are four horses, sullenly eating grain from their nosebags and pawing their hooves on the ground. You can see that they are reined into a system that pulls the rear axle of the car as if it were an old-style carriage. The dealer continues.

“As I said, these cars just use the horses to initially pull the car along until the engine starts up and takes over. It’s how we’ve always built our cars, by layering the modern components over the traditional carriage system. Because the horse-and-carriage arrangement is so stable having been perfected over decades, we can use it as a solid base for our high-tech automobiles. You really won’t notice that it’s there. We send out new grain and clear up any, um, exhaust automatically, so it’s completely invisible. OK every so often one of the horses gets sick or needs re-shoeing and then you can’t use your car at all, but that’s pretty rare. Mostly.”

Again, your curiosity is getting the better of you. In the front of the horses’ cabin, leather reins run from the two leading horses to another boxed-off area. The dealer sees you looking at it, and tries to lead you back out to the showroom, but you persist. With a resigned sigh, she opens yet another hatch into this deeper chamber.

Inside, you are astonished to see a man holding the reins, ready to pull the horses along. “Something has to get the horses started,” the dealer explains, “and this is how we’ve always done it. Our walking technology is even more robust than our horse-drawn system. Don’t worry about any of that though, let me show you the independent temperature zones in the car’s climate control system.”

That’s how it works

In the dim and distant past, barely 672 days after time itself began, the Unix time-sharing system was introduced to the world. It’s a thing for big computers that lets multiple people use them at the same time, without getting in each others’ way. It might not have been the most capable system (which would’ve been Multics, the system which Unix was based on), but due to the fact that AT&T weren’t allowed to sell it, Unix did become popular. By the time this happened, Unix had been rewritten in C so the combination of C, Unix, and tools written atop like roff were what became popular.

Eventually, as small computers became more powerful, they became capable of running C and Unix too. And so they did. People designed processors that were optimised for Unix, other people designed computers that used these processors, and other people brought Unix to these computers. Each workstation itself may have only had a single user, but they were designed to be used together on a network. As the designers had decided that the network is the computer, and the network did have multiple users, it was still a multi-user system, and so the quotas and protections of a time-sharing system still made sense.

Onward and downwards, Unix marched inexorably. As it did so, it dragged its own history with it. As the extremities of Europe became the backdrop to large stone columns with Latin-inscribed capitals, so ever-smaller computers found themselves the backdrop to the Unix kernel and shell. To get there, the biological and technological distinctiveness of each new environment had to be added to Unix’s own.

Compare the Unix workstation to the personal computer. A Unix workstation was designed to run Unix, so its ROM program could look for file systems, find one with the /vmunix program on it, and run that program. The PC was designed…well, it’s not clear what it was designed for, though it was likely to do the same things that CP/M could do on other small computers. If you don’t have an operating system, many of them will give you the infamous NO ROM BASIC message.

Regardless, the bootstrap program in a PC’s ROM certainly isn’t looking for a Unix, or an NT OS kernel, or anything else in particular. It just wants to run whatever comes next. So it looks for a program called the secondary bootloader, and runs that. Then the secondary bootloader itself looks around for the filesystem with /vmlinuz or whatever the Unix (or Unix-like) boot file is called, and runs that.

Magnify and Enhance

The story doesn’t end at the kernel. Getting there, the kernel discovers the hardware available (even though this has been done once or twice already) and then gets on with one of its functions, which is to be a bootloader for a Unix program. Whether that program is initor some newer replacement, that has to start before the computer is properly running a Unix.

One of init‘s tasks is to start up the Unix programs that you want running on the computer, the launch procedure is still not complete. init might follow the instructions in a script called rc, or it could use all the scripts in a folder called init.d or SystemStarter, or it could launch svc.startd and let that decide what to start, or maybe something different happens. Once that procedure has run to completion, the computer is probably doing whatever it was that you bought it for, or at least waiting for you to tell it what that is.


So many different computers go through that complex process – servers, desktops, laptops, mobile phones, tablets, network routers, watches, television receivers, 3D printers. If you have an idea for a novel application of computing hardware, the first step is to stand back and protect your ears from the whomp of four decades of history being dumped in a huge black box on the computer, then you can get cracking.

You want to make a phone? A small device to be used for real-time communication by a single person? whomp comes the megalith.

You want to make a web server? A computer usually dedicated to running three functions (converting input into database requests, converting database responses into output, and tracking which input deserves which output)? whomp comes the megalith.

You want a network appliance? Something that nobody’s going to use at all, that sits in the corner turning 802.11 datagrams into 802.3 datagrams? whomp comes the megalith.

There’s not much point looking at Unix as an architecture or a system of interdependent components in these applications. whomp. It’s a big black box that can be used to get other boxes moving, like the horses used to start a car’s engine. In the 1980s and into the beginning of the 1990s, there were arguments about whether monolithic kernels were better than microkernels. Now, these arguments are redundant: the whole of Unix is itself a megakernel for OS X, Android, iOS, Firefox OS, your routers, network switches and databases.

But the big black box is black because of what’s found at the top of the megalith. It’s a tar pit, sucking in the lower layers of whatever’s perched above. Yesterday, a Unix system would’ve been programmed via the Bourne Shell, a sort of dynamic compromise for the lack of message-passing in C. Today, once the dust has cleared from the whomp, you can see that the Bourne shell is accompanied in the softer layers of tar by Tcl, Perl, Python, Ruby, and other once high-flying programs that got too close to the pit.

Why that’s good

The good news is that Unix isn’t particularly broken. Typically a computer based on Unix can remain working for at least long enough that either the batteries run out or a software update means you have to turn it off anyway.

Because Unix is everywhere, everybody knows Unix. Or they know something that was once built on Unix and has been subsumed into Unix, the remains of which can just be seen and touched in the higher strata of the tar. Maybe they only really know how to generate JSON structures in Ruby, but that’s OK because your next-generation doorbell will have a Ruby interpreter deposited with the whomp of the megalith.

And if something isn’t particularly broken, then there’s not much point in throwing it away for something new. Novelty for its own sake was the death of Taligent, the death of Be, and the death of countless startups and projects who want to do something like X, but newer.

Why that’s bad

The bad news is that Unix is horrendously broken. You can have a supposedly safe runtime environment for your program, but the bottom of this environment is sticking into the tar pit that is C and Unix. Your program can still get into trouble because it’s running on Java and Java is written in C and C is where the trouble comes from.

The idea is that you stay at the top of the megalith, and it just starts your computer and stops you from worrying about the low-altitude parts of the machine. That’s only roughly true though, and lower-down pieces of the megalith sometimes prove themselves to have crumbled under weathering and the pressure from the weight above. If your computer has experienced a kernel panic in the last year, it’s probably because the graphics driver wasn’t very well-written. That’s a prop that has to be inserted into the bottom of the megalith to keep it upright, but people make those props out of balsa wood and don’t check the size of the holes they need to fit the props into.

Treating Unix as the kernel of your modern system means ignoring the fact that Unix is itself a whole operating system, and that your UEFI boot process also loaded another other operating system just to get that other operating system to load your operating system. The outer system displays inner-system problems, being constrained by the same constraints that your Unix flavour imposes. Because Unix is hidden, these become arbitrary-seeming constraints that your developers simply know as always having been there.

What should be done

A couple of decades ago, there were people who knew that PC operating systems like Mac OS and MS-DOS weren’t particularly good, and needed replacing. Some of them looked with envy at the smooth megalith that was Unix, and whomp here it arrived on their desktop machines: MkLinux, Debian, NeXTStep, Solaris, 386BSD and others. Others thought that the best approach was to start again with systems designed to support the desktop paradigm and using modern design techniques and technology advances: they made BeOS, Windows NT and others.

Systems like this (including modern BeOS-inspired Haiku, and Amiga-inspired AROS) are typically described by their project politburos as “efficient”, “lean” and other words generally considered to be antonymical to “a GNU distribution”.

They also tend to have few users in comparison to Mac OS X, GNU and other systems. Partly this is just a marketing concern, that’s irrelevant when such systems are free: if the one that works for you works for you, it shouldn’t matter how many other people it also works for. In practice there is a serious consideration to the install base. The more people who use an operating system, the more people there are who want applications for that system and therefore (hopefully) more people will want to write applications for that system.

If Linus’s Law (that many eyes make bugs shallow; a statement of wishful thinking that should actually be attributed to Eric S. Raymond) actually held true, then one might expect that more popular systems would suffer fewer bugs. Perhaps more popular systems end up with higher expectations, and therefore gain newer features faster, thus gaining bugs faster than people could fix them?

Presumably as the only point to Unix these days is to be a stable stratum on which to layer other things, there are numerous companies and individuals who would benefit from it being stable. We can accept that all of this complexity is going nowhere except upward, and that the megalith will continue to grow inexorably as more components fall into the tar pit. With that being the case, all of the companies and individuals involved could standardise on a single implementation of the megalith. They could all shore up the same foundations and fix the same cracks.

What I think I want to do

I often choose to rank potential solutions to technical problems in a two-dimensional graph, because if you can reduce any difficult question down to four quadrants then you can make a killing as a consultant. In this case, the axes are political acceptability and technical quality.

+-------------------+-------------------+ T
|                   |                   | e
|  Awkward  genius  |     Slam-dunk     | c
|                   |                   | h
+-------------------+-------------------+ n
|                   |                   | i
|   Feverish rant   | Saleable band-aid | c
|                   |                   | a
+-------------------+-------------------+ l

A completely new system might be a great idea technically, but is unlikely to get any traction. There may be all sorts of annoying problems that make current systems a bit disappointing, but no-one’s suffering badly enough to consider a kill or cure option. The conditions for a radically novel system becoming snapped up by an incumbent to replace their existing technical debt don’t really exist, and haven’t for decades (Commodore bought Amiga to get their new system, but in the 1990s Apple just needed a system that was already a warmed-over workstation Unix).

In fact despite the view of the software sector being a high-tech industry, it’s both socially and technologically very conservative. It’s rare for completely new ideas to take hold, and what’s taken for progress can often be seen more realistically as a partially-directed form of Brownian motion. As already discussed, this isn’t completely bad, because it stops new risks being introduced. The counterpoint to that melody is that it stops old risks from being removed, too.

Getting a lot of developer traction around a single Unix system therefore has a higher likelihood, in fact it’s already happened. It’s not necessarily the best approach technically, because it means rather than replacing that huge megalith we just agreed was a (very large) millstone, we resign ourselves to patching up and stabilising the same megalith together. Given that one penguin-based megalith is already used in far more contexts than any other, this seems more likely to be acceptable to more people beset by the crumbly megalith problem.

There’s room in the world for both solutions, too. What I call a more acceptable solution is really just easier to accept now, and the conditions can change over time. Ignoring the crumbling megalith could eventually produce a crisis, and slicing the Gordian knot could then be an acceptable solution. Until that crisis hits, there will be the kernel, the command-line, and the continuing echos of that original, deafening whomp.

Posted in architecture of sorts | 3 Comments

But where to go?

I agree with John Gruber here: it’s not like Apple’s stuff has become worse than a competitor’s, it’s just that it’s not as good as I remember or expect. It could be, as Daniel Jalkut suggests, rose-tinted glasses[*].

I don’t think there is a “better” competitor, except in limited senses: Solaris/IllumOS and OpenBSD both have good-quality code but are not great to use out of the box: Solaris in particular I associate with abysmal package management and flaky support from supposedly cross-platform applications that are actually only ever built and tested on GNU Debian has well-adhered free software guidelines and much better compatibility but not all GNU code is as high-quality as some alternatives. The OpenBSD copyright policy and the FSF definition of freedom are incompatible so OpenBSD doesn’t contain much GNU software GNU doesn’t contain much OpenBSD software: you get a base system that’s either one or the other and have to do work if you want bits of both. Other GNU/Linux distributions can be easier to set up and have better (i.e. any) support for non-free software and wider collections of device drivers.

So there are plenty of alternatives, many of which are good in some ways and bad in others, and all I know is that I don’t want things to be like this, without being able to say I want one of those instead. I don’t even think there will be one of those, at least not in the sense of a competitor to Apple on laptop operating systems. Why not? Because I agree with the following statement from wesolows:

from the perspective of someone who appreciates downstack problems and the value created by solving them, is that the de facto standard technology stack is ossifying upward. As one looks at each progressively lower layer, the industry’s collective willingness to contemplate, much less sponsor, work at that layer diminishes.

There’s still research in operating systems, sure, but is there development? Where are the NeXTs and Bes of today? I don’t believe you could get to a million users and have a Silicon Valley “exit” with low-level technology improvements, and so I don’t think the startup world is working in that area. So we probably won’t get anything good from there. I don’t see competition in operating systems being fruitful. If it were, Sun wouldn’t have been sold.

In fact I don’t even think that Apple’s systems are bad, they’ve just lost the “it just works” sheen. It’s just that when you combine that with the lack of credible alternative, you realise the problem is probably in expecting some corporation to put loads of resources into something that’s not going to have a great value, and merely needs to be “good enough” to avoid having any strategic penalty.

To me, that means treating the low-level parts of the technology stack as a public good. If we accept that the stack is ossifying upwards, and that EM64T, Unix, C, IP, HTTP, SQL and other basic components are going to be around essentially forever[**] then we need to treat them and their implementations as public goods and take common ownership of them. They might not be the best possible, but they are the best available. We (we the people who make systems on top of them, in addition to we the people who use systems made on top of them) need them to work collectively, so we should maintain them collectively.

[*]I particularly like his use of the phrase “Apple-like” in this context, because that term is often used to mean “my platonic ideal of Apple’s behaviour” rather than “what Apple actually does” and reminds me to be wary of my own recollections. I remember Lightning connectors being welcomed in a tweet that derided the old iPod 30-pin connector as “un-Apple-like”, despite the evidence that Apple invented, introduced the 30-pin connector and then supported it for over a decade.

[**] speaking of Sun, I use the definition of computer-forever I learned from a Sun engineer: five years or longer.

Posted in GNU, Responsibility, UNIX | 1 Comment

zed shaw:

It didn’t matter that most of these detractors admitted to me that they don’t code C anymore, that they don’t teach it, and that they just memorized the standard so they could “help” people.


I cannot help old programmers. They are all doomed. Destined to have all the knowledge they accumulated through standards memorization evaporate at the next turn of the worm. They have no interest in questioning the way things are and potentially improving things, or helping teach their craft to others unless that education involves a metric ton of ass kissing to make them feel good. Old programmers are just screwed.

Posted on by Graham | Leave a comment

On switching to Linux

In November, I switched to GNU/Linux at home (I still use OS X at work, because I still write Objective-C in Xcode at work). Or rather, I switched back: I’d been using it around a decade ago.

The Ubuntu installer on my MacBook air

In December, I resolved to spend more time working with Free Software during 2015 and beyond. Now I find that my story is not unique, others have left OS X (now a dead link, sadly) or are concerned at the state of Apple. I have had conversations with friends about moving from OS X to Debian, to OpenBSD, to other systems.

In my case, there was no watershed moment, no Damascene conversion from the Tablet According to Jobs to the Stallman Doctrine. Rather, my experience has been one of a thousand tiny cuts, and the feeling that while GNU is not actually a better system, it’s one that I’m allowed to make changes to. When iWork was ‘upgraded’ to a less-capable version with an incompatible file format, cut. Every time I plug my Apple display into my Apple computer, then have to unplug it and connect it again before it works properly, cut. Even when the display works, I have to unplug the (Apple) keyboard and plug it back in, cut. Every time iTunes connects to the network but doesn’t let me play any of my tunes, cut. When Apple trumpets the superiority of their new map that shows I live in “Royal Spa”, cut. When iCloud showed its message that I have to upgrade to the new way and devices still on the old way can’t see my files any more, cut. Like the above-linked authors, I’ve got to a point where the only Apple-supplied software in my Dock is the Finder. In my case, it’s happened one app at a time.

The thing is, Apple’s been building some great new things. There’s the watch, Swift, improvements to Cocoa, and they still have the best hardware around. If it weren’t for both the real regressions and the fear of potential regressions on every upgrade or app update, I’d still be confident that their Unix desktop were the best. As it is, I think it could possibly be the least worst, but I’m no longer certain.

Most of the time I don’t care about my computer’s operating environment. This isn’t so much the year of Desktop Linux for me, as the year of Desktop Ambivalence. The OS is the thing that spends most of the time and RAM involved in showing me an emacs window, or a terminal emulator, or a Smalltalk machine, or a web browser. I shouldn’t need to care how it works. But if it’s going to get in my way, give me a chance to do something about it.

The standard trope response is “LOL you must have a bad idea of UX if you use Linux”, which is the sort of thing that was true at the turn of the millennium when most of us were last tyre-kicking some GNU distro but is now an outdated view of the world. But again, should there be a problem, I hope to have the ability to fix it both for myself and others.

So far this year I’ve started small. I’ve been reminding myself of the differences between OS X and BSD commands that I’m used to, and the Linux and SysV commands that I’ve not used frequently in nearly a decade. I’ve been learning about Vala and GTK+.

Posted in advancement of the self, GNU, Mac | 6 Comments

Layers of Distraction

A discussion I was involved in over on Facebook reminded me of some other issues I’d already drafted for this blog, so I stuck the two together and here we are.

Software systems can often be seen as aggregations of strata, with higher layers making use of the services in the lower layers. You’ll often see a layered architecture diagram looking like a flat and well-organised collection of boiled sweets.

As usual, it’s the interstices rather than the objects themselves that are of interest. Where two layers come together, there’s usually one of a very small number of different transformations taking place. The first is that components above the boundary can express instructions that any computer could run, and they are transformed into instructions suitable for this computer. That’s what the C compiler does, it’s what the x86 processor does (it takes IA-32 instructions, which any computer could run, and turns them into the microcode which it can run), it’s what device drivers do.

The second is that it turns one set of instructions any computer could run into another set that any computer could run. If you promise not to look too closely the Smalltalk virtual machine does this, by turning instructions in the Smalltalk bytecode into instructions in the host machine language.

The third is that it turns a set of computer instructions in a specific domain into the general-purpose instructions that can run on the computer (sometimes this computer, sometimes any computer). A function library turns requests to do particular things into the machine instructions that will do them. A GUI toolkit takes requests to draw buttons and widgets and turns them into requests to draw lines and rectangles. The UNIX shell turns an ordered sequence of suggestions to run programs into the collection of C library calls and machine instructions implied by the sequence.

The fourth is turning a model of a problem I might want solving into a collection of instructions in various computer domains. Domain-specific languages sit here, but usually this transition is handled by expensive humans.

Many transitions can be found in the second and third layers, so that we can turn this computer into any computer, and then build libraries on any computer, then build a virtual machine atop those libraries, then build libraries for the virtual machine, then build again in that virtual machine, then finally put the DOM and JavaScript on top of that creaking mess. Whether we can solve anybody’s problems from the top of the house of cards is a problem to be dealt with later.

You’d hope that from the outside of one boundary, you don’t need to know anything about the inside: you can use the networking library without needing to know what device is doing the networking, you can draw a button without needing to know how the lines get onto the screen, you can use your stock-trading language without needing know what Java byte codes are generated. In other words, both abstractions and refinements do not leak.

As I’ve gone through my computing career, I’ve cared to different extents about different levels of abstraction and refinement. That’s where the Facebook discussion came in: there are many different ways that a Unix system can start up. But when I’m on a desktop computer, I not only don’t care which way the desktop starts up, I don’t want to have to deal with it. Whatever the relative merits of SMF, launchd, SysV init, /etc/rc, SystemStarter, systemd or some other system, the moment I need to even know which is in play is the moment that I no longer want to use this desktop system.

I have books here on processor instruction sets, but the most recent (and indeed numerous) are for the Motorola 68k family. Later than that and I’ll get away with mostly not knowing, looking up the bits I do need ad hoc, and cursing your eyes if your debugger drops me into a disassembly.

So death to the trope that you can’t understand one level of abstraction (or refinement) without understanding the layers below it. That’s only true when the lower layers are broken, though I accept that that is probably the case.

Posted in architecture of sorts, launchd, software-engineering | Leave a comment

I imagine many of you are familiar with the difference between Ruby (a beautiful language representing the best pragmatic balance between Smalltalk’s elegance and C’s ubiquity) and Rubby (a horrendous mishmash of abominations in the style of all scripting languages, glommed together by finding nearly-compatible corner cases).

I also make the same distinction between Open Source (an attempt to get the same exploitation of labour as Free Software but without the principles) and Open Sores (the disturbingly wobbly house of cards that arises when collections of developers, none of whom feels empowered to make big changes, individually attach small pieces of mud to the collectively-constructed big ball).

Neither is fair, but both are useful shorthands.

Posted on by Graham | Leave a comment

In which I resolve

When I was a student I got deeply into GNU and Linux. This has been covered elsewhere on this blog, along with the story that as Apple made the best UNIX, and the lab had NeXT computers, I went down the path of Objective-C and OS X.

I now think that this was because, as an impressionable twenty-something-year-old, I thought that the most important part of the technology was, well, the technology. But I realise now that I want to have taken the other path, and now need to beat across toward it.

The other path I’m talking about is the one where I notice that it’s not programs like those in Debian that are so great, but the licences under which they are distributed. Much of the software in a GNU/Linux distribution is not so good. That makes it much like using software on every other platform. The difference is that I have the right-and hopefully, after a decade of practice, the ability-to do something about it in the case of free software.

I’m certain that GNU is not the best of all systems, though, because the focus has been on the right to make changes, not the capability of making changes. A quick review of the components I can remember in the installation on my MacBook shows that I’d need to understand at least nine different programming languages in order to be able to dive in and address bugs or missing features in the system, holistically speaking. If they’ve given me permission to change how my computer works, they haven’t made it easy.

But as someone who can change software and wants software to be less broken for me and for others, that permission is important. Next year I’ll be looking for more opportunities to work with free software and to make things less broken.

Posted in futurology, Responsibility | Leave a comment

Derek Jones, from the PL advent calendar ‘J’ entry:

Javascript would not have existed without the Internet and its ‘design’ must be a contender for the most costly software mistake [ever] made.

Me, 14 months ago:

Fundamentally I fear a world in which programmers think JavaScript is acceptable. Partly because JavaScript, but mostly because when a language is introduced and people avoid it for ages, then just because some CEO says all future websites must use it they start using it, that’s not healthy. Objective-C was introduced and people avoided it for ages, then just because some CEO said all future apps must use it they started using it.

Clearly JavaScript is good enough for a broad set of uses. But then we should ask whether ‘good enough’ means unfurling the Mission Accomplished flag and calling it done. Apparently some people have similar feelings, but also the skill and inclination to do something about it.

Posted on by Graham | Leave a comment

Object-Oriented Programming in 1714

Here are some excerpts from Leibniz’s La Monadologie (specifically from Daniel Garber and Roger Arlew’s English translation in Discourse on Metaphysics and Other Essays).

THE MONAD, which we shall discuss here, is nothing but a simple substance that enters into composites – simple, that is, without parts.

Thus, one can say that monads can only begin or end all at once, that is, they can only begin by creation and end by annihilation, whereas composites begin or end through their parts.

The monads have no windows through which something can enter or leave. […] Thus, neither substance nor accident can enter a monad from without.

From this we see that if, in our perceptions, we had nothing distinct or, so to speak, in relief and stronger in flavour, we would always be in a stupor. And this is the state of bare monads.

Thus we attribute action to a monad insofar as it has distinct perceptions, and passion, insofar as it has confused perceptions.

But in simple substances the influence of one monad over another can only be ideal, and can only produce its effect through God’s intervention, when in the ideas of God a monad rightly demands that God take it into account in regulating the others from the beginning of things. For, since a created monad cannot have an internal physical influence upon another, this is the only way in which one can depend on another.

But natural machines, that is, living bodies, are still machines in their least parts, to infinity.

And the author of nature has been able to practice this divine and infinitely marvellous art, because each portion of matter is not only divisible to infinity, as the ancients have recognized, but is also actually subdivided without end, each part divided into parts having some motion of their own;

This we see that each living body has a dominant entelechy, which in the animal is the soul; but the limbs of this living body are full of other living beings, plants, animals, each of which also has its entelechy, or its dominant soul.

That’s a small fraction of the complete essay but it’s clear from these extracts that Leibniz saw both the benefit and the drawback to Object-Oriented Programming, and that they were one and the same.

Objects are indivisible atoms, which cannot mess with each other’s insides nor have their own insides messed with. Rather, they have independent existences, unless one of them sends a message to another via the universal actor willing the two into some correlation.

Something appears to be an object in the first instance, because it is an indivisible thing with its own whole definition and purpose. It is actually both a composite, that can be subdivided into other objects with their own definitions and purposes; and it is a component that contributes toward a larger object that has its own definition and purpose.

Scale-variant analogies can get us out of the problem with the object-as-monad. One that has previously been well-explored is Brad Cox’s Software IC, which sees the object take up a position at only one level of abstraction:

  • Component => C instruction.
  • Integrated Circuit => Objective-C Object.
  • Circuit Board => Package or architectural layer.
  • Electronic System => Application.

One that I haven’t yet investigated is the cellular biology analogy introduced by Alan Kay (who also introduced the object-as-monad analogy). He talked about the object as a cell (particularly as a small component of a larger system that has a well-defined boundary across which limited communication occurs), but we can also think about the implications of larger scale order:

  • Cell => Object.
  • Organ => Object.
  • Organism => Object.
  • Society => Object.
  • Population => Object.
  • Biome => Object.

And, as Leibniz said, it’s objects all the way in the other direction: organelles are monads too.

Posted in OOP | 1 Comment

An odd thought: I have written software for a computer whose CPU was used as an I/O controller for a computer that I have programmed, whose CPU was used as an I/O controller for a computer that I have programmed. So far, I’m not aware of the i7 being used as an I/O controller.

Posted on by Graham | Leave a comment