Category Archives: security

AppleScript, for once

AppleScript isn’t something I write much about, in fact this is the first post I’ve ever created on the topic. But AppleScript, like the Services menu and Automator, provides that most useful of usability enhancements: the ability to use multiple … Continue reading

Posted in applescript, security, sysadmin, usability | Leave a comment Your identity, everywhere.

Title linky goes to a Sophos blog post I wrote about the relative success of MobileMe phishing scams, and the insecurity of MobileMe web access.

Posted in mobileme, security | Leave a comment

Mac user Gmail account hack

I found today in Macintouch reader reports the news that a Mac user found his Gmail account had been taken over. He writes: I woke up this morning and looked at my gmail and thought, gee that’s weird, it won’t … Continue reading

Posted in security | 1 Comment

Designing a secure Cocoa application

That’s the title of next month’s CocoaHeads Swindon, and I’ll be leading the presentation/discussion. So if you want to learn a little about how to ensuring your Cocoa app doesn’t give away the keys to the kingdom, or have some … Continue reading

Posted in cocoa, metadev, security | Leave a comment

Ah, the sweet sound of my own voice

The title is a linky to the press release regarding the edition of Sophos Podcasts I recorded with Carole, and which has now (clearly) gone live. In it we mainly talk about the data theft and Macs technical paper I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in Business, security | 2 Comments

Well, you could have told me

When looking through some of the configuration options on my laptop (well, it’s either that or go to the pub and socialise with humans) I came across something I couldn’t account — pardon the pun — for. A new user … Continue reading

Posted in macports, security, sysadmin | Leave a comment

Permissions whee!

As in any good mystery, the question is who done it? MacNN reports a flaw in Tiger, Leopard in which an authenticated copy operation gives the destination files (the copies) the ownership of the logged-in user, not of the name … Continue reading

Posted in FTFF, security | 1 Comment


A frequently-heard rider on the statement that Mac OS X "is more secure than Windows" is that fewer people are prodding its weak spots, because it has fewer users. Well, Windows Vista has a market share comparative to Mac OS … Continue reading

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